Resisting the Meteor Shower?

The survivors residing in the central area were the most densely populated.

With several hundred thousand people in this city, it's estimated that two-thirds of them are here.

Now, the meteor shower is directly pounding the central area, instantly vaporizing many lives.

Some survivors harbor a sense of luck.

They think, "Even though I don't have an underground bunker, I'm hiding in a tall building. Can't the meteorites reach me here?"

In fact, the meteorites can indeed hit them.

Some of the meteor groups in the central area hit the ground buildings.

Like shells, they instantly explode the buildings.

The survivors inside have no chance of survival at all.

This is a catastrophe destroying the city!

The next day.

The meteor shower systematically descends on every corner of the city.

Even the suburbs are not spared and are finally hit by the meteor groups.