he was a wolf in sheep's clothing

Invincible Legion didn't show up on the first night.

The Wolf Pack Assault Team stood guard all night.

Then, on the second day, just as they were changing shifts, Invincible Legion appeared.

They caught them off guard and killed one of them.

As everyone hastily opened fire, Invincible Legion disappeared again.

Back and forth.

One wave, then decline, then exhaustion.

In this way, the Wolf Pack Assault Team was easily wiped out.

This time, Lone Eyeball took a picture of the miserable state of the Wolf Pack Assault Team and posted it on the chat channel.

Gavin: "Haha, the Wolf Pack Assault Team was overconfident, and now they're all dead. I declare the demise of the Wolf Pack Assault Team, and that my Invincible Legion is the strongest!"

After this battle, Invincible Legion became famous in City 22.

Everyone was on edge, unable to sleep peacefully.


Alex hadn't expected to encounter Invincible Legion!