Spectrum Squad Arrives Late

[Legion of Glory Leadership Communication Group]

Jason: "Comrades, just now, the captain successfully recruited Mr. Alex, who can eradicate mutated plants. From now on, we will be partners."

"Because Mr. Alex needs a material called Starry Grass to eradicate mutated plants, the captain asked me to convey his wishes. All Legion of Glory soldiers, starting today, will spare no effort to collect Starry Grass."

"Message conveyed, please reply upon receipt."

Timothy: "Second platoon received!"

Just moments after Jason's message was sent, the leader of the second platoon immediately responded.

Within the Legion of Glory, a burly man cursed in the chat.

"Timothy, this guy, can't do anything right, but always the first to respond!"

He then replied in the chat as well.

Jeffrey: "First platoon received!"

Ryan: "Received!"

Ryan was the vice captain of the Legion of Glory and deeply trusted by Captain Skylar.