Deputy Camp Leader Picking Faults

Skylar hurriedly said, "It's my fault for being suspicious. You shouldn't take offense, Alex."

Alex laughed heartily, "Don't worry, Skylar, I won't slack off over such a trivial matter."

"Besides, it's only natural for you to look out for your team."

"If I were in your position, I would do the same."

Skylar, upon hearing this, exclaimed in agreement.

"Alex, your words really resonate with me! Though we haven't known each other long, I feel like we're a perfect fit!"

Alex smiled.

I've been using the same old sales pitch from the old world on you, saying whatever pleases you. Can you blame me for catering to your taste?

Alex patted Skylar's shoulder and said, "Skylar, what I need is an ally, not adversaries. I also like you and hope we can continue to cooperate."

Skylar blinked.

"Well, too bad I'm not into men, or else I would..."

Alex smiled slightly, "What I meant was, I like your character."