Anything was possible

Puff Tiger, standing aside, also felt the strength of Alex, fear evident in his eyes the size of copper bells.

At this moment, Mia reacted and said, "Alex, quickly check if the zombie has any keys on him! He's the only officer here, so the key to the armory is likely on him!"

"Yeah, let me check!"

Without hesitation, Alex crouched down and began searching the zombie's body.

Sure enough, before long, he found a key in one of the pockets.

However, it was still uncertain whether it was indeed the key to the iron door.

With a thought to give it a try, Alex successfully opened the iron door in the end!

"It's open!" he exclaimed.

Cheers erupted from the group!


With a rumble, the iron door trembled slightly, shaking off some dust that covered it.

Then, to the expectant and joyous gaze of the group, the huge and immensely heavy iron door slowly swung open.