Alex's Anger

The chat channel was filled with curses directed at Lewis.

There was no denying it, this guy was really despicable.

He had just spent 100 experience points to buy the complete video, only for Lewis to make it public in less than two minutes.

Those who had paid a hefty price for it felt cheated and extremely unfair.

They began cursing Lewis and his ancestors up to the eighteenth generation.

"Damn it, give us our money back!"

"Is this how you do business? You kept saying not to spread the video, setting permissions, but in the end, you made it public yourself. Do you have any credibility left?!"

"Don't be so ugly, or you'll be struck by lightning one day!"

"I hope I never see you in real life, or you're dead!"

Some of the comments were quite harsh.

It was obvious that these people were really angry.

However, no matter how they cursed, they knew it wouldn't have any effect.