Level 3 Female Zombie

"I think we need to act quickly," Olivia reminded. "Because, it won't be long before more and more survivors come to the Western District. By then, others will inevitably discover Originium and understand its effects..."

Alex nodded slightly.

That made sense.

The more people who knew, the greater the competition.

After all, there weren't many Level 3 zombies.

So, Alex quickly found another target.

"This one will do, it's closest to us!"

Mia and Olivia naturally had no objections.


Soon, the three appeared on another street.

There were many zombies here, wandering aimlessly.

Some were rummaging through garbage piles, while others were even tearing each other apart, their faces covered in dark blood.

"Which one is the Level 3 zombie?"

They were currently hiding in the shadows, unnoticed by other zombies.

The three quickly scanned the area, trying to find their target for this trip.