If you're mad, come and kill me

Mia and Olivia were speechless at Alex's shamelessness.

Next, they discussed the matter in detail.

Finally, after spending considerable time, they formulated a relatively complete plan.

"I'll draw the zombies out of the western district. You two wait outside. Once I lure the zombies to the designated spot, you fire immediately," Alex said.

Mia was a bit worried.

"Be careful, Alex. With so many zombies, one mistake could be very dangerous."

"Exactly. And after we start firing, you need to be extra cautious. The area of bombardment is quite large," Olivia also reminded him.

Although this method was the most efficient way to kill zombies, it was also extremely dangerous.

"Don't worry. I can teleport and change positions quickly. If I want to escape, the zombies can't catch me."