A Bunch of Clowns Daring to Taunt Alex the Boss

Soon, half an hour passed...

The vast majority of zombies were already dead.

Only a small number of zombies survived.

However, shortly thereafter, all surviving zombies, including the three Level 3 zombies, were systematically wiped out by Alex.

"Compared to last time, our gains this time are about the same," Alex and his companions took stock of the spoils.

They found more than seven thousand experience points.


The next day.

Outside a shopping mall, a tank appeared out of nowhere.

No one knew how this behemoth suddenly appeared in this location.

Inside the mall, many zombies were wandering around, moving slowly.

And among the zombies inside, the proportion of large-sized Level 2 zombies was higher than anywhere Alex had encountered before, reaching a quarter!

Moreover, to Alex's surprise, he found that there were two Level 3 zombies inside the mall at the same time!