We'll annihilate these zombies

Boom! The tank roared.

At this moment, several fast-moving Level 2 zombies charged forward.

They were promptly taken down mid-air by precise cannon fire.

Boom! Boom! Two shots, and these two strong and powerful Level 2 zombies were blown apart, their remains scattering across the ground.


On the other side, Larry captured this action perfectly.

The live stream erupted in astonishment! "Whoa, what kind of accuracy is this?! Two shots and both hit the zombies perfectly! It's not like bullets; controlling cannon fire is much harder!"

"I'm stunned, I'm stunned! I've lost count of how many times I've been stunned! Big Boss Alex just keeps showing us miracles, I've seen too many!"

"You guys, what are you yelling about? Haven't you seen anything impressive before? This is nothing! This is just basic operation for Big Boss Alex! Sit down!"

"Hahaha, anything involving Big Boss Alex is no longer surprising, just routine!"