
Everyone felt very sorry.

However, they quickly adjusted their mindset.

After all, Alex had accepted them.

He also said that he would consider this issue soon.

When that time came, they would be given priority.

It was also a good comfort.

Soon, it was time to part ways, and everyone bowed to Alex.

"Alex, our collaboration with you has brought us luck. We have benefited a lot from this operation. We hope to fight side by side with you again next time! And, we look forward to being your sharpest sword when the time comes!"

Alex nodded slightly, feeling somewhat complicated.

He waved goodbye.

Finally, facing their backs, he said, "Go, take care, that day will come."


After they left, Mia couldn't help but chuckle.

"Hahaha, why do I always feel like your farewells are filled with a kind of sentimental emotion, like a parting of life and death, very infectious!"