What a disaster

Subsequently, Alex, Mia, and Olivia decided to evacuate the West City District and return to their villa in the East City District.

At this moment, the West City District was too dangerous.

There were riots of zombies everywhere.

And once spotted by zombies, thousands upon thousands would gather.

They couldn't be eradicated completely; it would only escalate.

In the end, it might even attract the zombie lord.

Therefore, Alex decided to evacuate.

Meanwhile, the survivors in the West City District were also preparing to leave.

However, not everyone could do so.

For many survivors, this day was extremely dark.

They had come to the West City District, almost all of them elite among survivors, with promising futures.

But after today's events, a considerable portion of them might die tragically, eliminated by this world.

"Quick, quick, quick, hurry, the zombies are coming!"