Some were on the verge of losing their sanity

Meanwhile, Skylar was nervously tallying the casualties of the Legion of Glory amidst the intense aftermath of the earthquake.

Following the chaos of the zombie outbreak in the West City District, thanks to Skylar's role as the Deputy Supreme Commander of the Joint Forces, the Legion of Glory had absorbed a group of strong survivors.

Undoubtedly, the Legion of Glory's strength had once again risen.

Already the foremost power, the Legion of Glory was now at its zenith.

However, amidst the earthquake, the Legion of Glory inevitably suffered some casualties.

"How's the situation?" Skylar furrowed his brow, asking his subordinate.

Upon hearing this, the subordinate presented the data they had just gathered to Skylar, responding, "According to our current count, two individuals are confirmed deceased, and one is missing, presumed unlikely to survive."

"In addition, some others are injured, but none severely, with no major concerns!"