A Dreadful Vision; Skills Galore!

Drai was floating in space amidst countless stars and galaxies. He was momentarily dazed due to the sudden change of scenery.

After recovering from his stupor, Drai tried moving his body but was unable to, so he quickly gave up, realizing that he was likely a mere observer in this scene.

After all, it wasn't the first time that Drai had experienced this strange event. His mind recalled a similar occurrence right after he went through his awakening.

'Is this another vision? A memory?'

As Drai pondered over this matter, dozens of white dots suddenly emerged from the darkness of space far ahead of him.

The white dots rapidly grew larger, and soon Drai could finally see them clearly.

These dots were actually dozens of humanoids who were enveloped in white auras. These people were speeding through space, clad in white garments and suits.