
I found myself standing a few steps back as Momo took a step forward and began to undo her clothing. My face turned beet red as I quickly averted my gaze, my heart pounding loudly in my chest. It wasn't every day you found yourself in such an unexpected situation.

"Izuku, can you shrink down to about 10 grams?" Momo's voice pulled me back to reality, and I nodded, trying to act as normal as possible. I concentrated, focusing on reducing my mass as she had asked. Once I had achieved the desired weight, Momo loaded me into what looked like a massive slingshot. "Alright," I stammered, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension.

With a sudden release, I was catapulted upward, the wind whistling past me as the ground rushed away. The world around me turned into a blur of colors and sensations until I finally landed with a light thud on the top of the building. I had to admit, that was quite the ride.

As I tried to catch my breath, I saw Momo stepping into the building not too far away, making her way through the entrance. It seemed she had her own plans in motion.

My attention was quickly diverted as I spotted Iida hiding in a corner nearby. His usually composed demeanor seemed to be replaced by a sense of unease. Meanwhile, down on the floor, Bakugo was making his way down the stairs, his expression determined.

My heart raced as I watched Bakugo's eyes lock onto Momo, who was positioned on the second floor. He muttered something under his breath, his tone low and intense. The tension in the air grew palpable as the two of them exchanged glances, a silent understanding passing between them.

Suddenly, without warning, the air erupted with explosive sounds and flashing lights as Bakugo launched an attack. Momo, however, was prepared, her quick reflexes allowing her to dodge and counter with her own techniques. The clash of their powers echoed through the building as the battle unfolded.

Despite Bakugo's outward confidence, it became clear that things weren't as one-sided as they appeared. His explosions were met with Momo's resourcefulness and strategic thinking, causing the fight to reach a stalemate of sorts. The sweat on Bakugo's brow and the intensity in his eyes betrayed the effort he was exerting.

As the fight raged on, it was evident that Bakugo wasn't quite "losing" as much as he might have seemed. Both combatants were pushing their limits, their determination shining through. The sound of their clashes reverberated through the space, a testament to their fierce rivalry.

In that moment, it struck me how extraordinary these individuals were. Each one had their unique strengths, and their battles were a constant reminder of the challenges we faced as aspiring heroes. As I continued to watch, I couldn't help but admire the unwavering spirit that fueled them, propelling them forward in their quests to become the best they could be.

in the camara room 

"She's holding her own, and she has Bakugo captured," Sero observed, his eyes fixed on the intense battle unfolding before him. The clash of powers and strategy between Momo and Bakugo was a spectacle that had everyone's attention.

"This is surprising. I never thought that young Bakugo would lose this easily," commented All Might, his deep voice carrying a hint of curiosity. "He's always been pretty good at taking action in crisis situations. So, what happened this time?"Meanwhile, on the scene, Bakugo's frustration was palpable as he found himself captured by Momo's clever maneuvers. He knew that he needed to think quickly to turn the situation to his advantage, especially with the possibility of Iida's interference.

 "Now you catcher me, and you can go," Bakugo stated tersely, a mix of annoyance and concern in his voice. He was wary that Iida might be on his way, and he wanted to be prepared for any unexpected developments.

Momo regarded Bakugo with a measured look, her mind working rapidly. "Yeah, I was just about to do that," she responded, her thoughts calculating her next move. Her strategic thinking had already led her to anticipate Bakugo's actions.

As Momo left the scene, her steps echoing through the building, a silent revelation unfolded within her mind. "Yes, I knew that the explosion would originate from the top floor, just as Bakugo himself did. But... it was kind of easy to defeat him," she mused quietly, analyzing the situation. The memory of Izuku's assessment of Bakugo's power played at the edge of her thoughts, leaving her pondering how he had been taken down so swiftly.

Just as Momo continued her ascent, Iida burst onto the scene, tearing away the tape that had bound Bakugo. The sudden turn of events caught the attention of those around them, sparking discussions and comments.

"Hey, isn't that cheating? He was already captured," Kaminari protested, voicing the sentiment that many were likely thinking. However, All Might's response was swift and instructive.

"It's not," All Might retorted, his voice carrying a tone of wisdom. "As you see, in a real-life situation, once a villain is captured, they won't just wait around for the hero to finish their job. They'll do everything in their power to escape. This simple mistake might end up being your demise, young man."Bakugo, now free from his restraints, stood his ground at the bottom floor, waiting for the opportune moment. The tension in the air was palpable, and the stakes were high as the battle continued to unfold, revealing the complexities of heroism, strategy, and the unpredictable nature of combat.

On the 4th floor, Momo and I met. She asked me, "Did you find any bomb on the upper floor?" I replied, "No, did you find Bakugo and his teammate?" I questioned her. She responded, "Yes, I did meet Bakugo on the 2nd floor, but not his partner." I thought for a moment and then said, "If I knew Bakugo, where would I put the bomb, knowing my previous overconfidence? Nah, it's obvious it's on the bottom floor." It suddenly dawned on me. I then informed her, "But he's out, I captured him." She seemed concerned and pointed out, "But it's not against the rules if your partner frees you." I reminded her, "As I mentioned, don't underestimate Bakugo. He can think outside the box." Her expression changed as she realized, "I got outplayed."

as they talk "5 min left hero "says the speaker on the wall

"Dang, we need to hurry," I exclaimed. Channeling my power, I increased my mass and slammed my fist into the ground, creating a hole leading down to the bottom floor. "Let's go down," I urged, leaping into the opening, with Momo right behind me.

Upon reaching the bottom floor, Bakugo and Ida were waiting. Finally, both Momo and I arrived, although we did spend about a minute getting down here. The tension in the air was palpable as we locked eyes. Bakugo then said, "Ida, you go for her," and I countered with, "Momo, you go for him." We exchanged smirks, fully aware of the showdown that was about to take place. With determination in our eyes, we declared, "Let's go."

Bakugo blasts off the ground, hurtling towards me with a determined look on his face. His explosive power surges around him as he closes the gap between us. I brace myself for impact, but before his attack connects, something strange happens. I feel myself fading, as if I'm becoming non-existent, and in that fleeting moment, I manage to dodge his point-blank blast.As I reappear, I concentrate, my body growing denser and heavier. I can feel the weight of my increased mass as I launch a powerful punch right at Bakugo. But to my surprise, he's not caught off guard. With a skillful move, he adjusts the force of my blow, allowing him to duck and blast the ground beneath him, propelling himself away from danger.However, our clash doesn't go unnoticed. Ida, ever watchful, sees an opening in the chaos of our battle. He lunges at me, his kick aimed with precision. 

But Bakugo intervenes just in time, deflecting Ida's attack away from me. A sharp pain fills the air, and I realize that Ida's kick has landed, but it's not me who's hurt—it's his own legs that bear the brunt of the impact.

Bakugo's voice cuts through the turmoil. "When he increase his mass, so does his density," I hear him say. "And when his density increases, he become nearly impregnable, too solid to harm." His words strike a chord within me as I prepare to leave the scene. "I don't usually go for direct attacks on izuku," Bakugo continues, "because he's impregnable, but not blast-resistant."I can't deny it. "Sadly, it's true," I admit, acknowledging my vulnerability to certain types of attacks. As I start to walk away, Bakugo's voice brings me back. "Focus on that girl. I'll handle him," he asserts, and with a renewed sense of determination, both of us dive back into the fray, our rivalry pushing us to give our all once again.

"Did the test end?" I asked in disbelief, drenched in sweat. Bakugo chimed in, "Yeah, right! You lost." I retorted, "But I always win 1v1s." Bakugo conceded the point, yet he added, "Yeah, but the world isn't always about 1v1." His words struck me silent, and I admitted, "Yeah, you're right." With that, I turned and walked away.

Then, Almighty's voice cut through the tension, announcing, "The villain team... wins!" He continued, "You kids still have a lot to learn, but I'll help you hero up!" It was a follow-up to his previous statement, and it carried a message that resonated deeply.