The Unforeseen Battle

Now I step out onto the field, just having comforted Momo after her defeat, although I didn't help much. I couldn't help but wish that my match was second, not first. But we can't change the past, can we? I let out a sigh as I prepare for the battle ahead.

I hear Midnight's voice announce the start of the third round of the battle, "Now, onto the third round of the battle. We have the undefeated number one who got first in all the rounds, Izuku Midoriya, versus the new generation of hero, the brother of Ingenium, Tenya Iida," she says. I look at Iida as he gives me a polite nod and says, "Let's have a fair battle, Midoriya." I nod in agreement and reply, "Okay."

After a brief moment, Midnight announces, "Now, fight!"I watch as Iida comes at me with immense speed. I can't help but think that this is a tough matchup for him. His whole quirk is about speed, but what can he do when he faces an unmovable wall like me? As I predicted, he charges towards me and attempts to kick me, but just like in the hero vs. villain battle, he ends up hitting himself. I look at him, and he's on guard, ready for any attack.

I consider letting him hit me repeatedly since I can take it, but that wouldn't be fair to Iida. So, I decide it's time to get moving. I stop thinking and let my body act on instinct.Iida remained on guard, ready for Midoriya's next move. As he anticipated, Midoriya changed his mass and propelled himself forward. Midoriya launched himself towards Iida, altering his mass to become lighter as he hurdled across the arena. As he neared Iida, Midoriya once again adjusted his mass, attempting to punch Iida out of bounds.

However, Iida, drawing from his experience with overwhelming speed, knew that individuals with exceptional speed could only move in straight lines. Attempting to change direction could result in injuries, such as a broken ankle. Swiftly, Iida sidestepped Midoriya's incoming attack, maneuvering to the other side of the arena.

Iida attempted to catch Midoriya off guard once more, delivering a blow. This time, his attack had a different approach. He struck the back of Midoriya's knee, causing him to stumble and fall to the ground. Seizing this opportunity, Iida tried to kick Midoriya while he was down. However, Midoriya evaded the kick by turning intangible, causing Iida's leg to pass through him.Iida, now on one leg with immense force behind him, was rapidly approaching the arena boundary. Fortunately for Iida, his one leg anchored him in place, turning him from facing the boundary to facing the arena. But luck soon abandoned him as Midoriya's hand emerged and pushed him beyond the boundary.

Midnight declared, "Izuku Midoriya is the victor." Midoriya glanced at Iida, extending his hand, " It was quite a challenging matchup for you, Iida. My quirk effectively counters yours, but you still gave it your best."

Iida accepted the handshake, his expression reflecting a mix of respect and gratitude. "Thank you, Midoriya. You're right; it was indeed a tough match for me. However, I acknowledge your hard work and strength in getting here. Congratulations on your well-deserved victory."With those words, the two of them exited the arena, acknowledging the battle's outcome and showing respect for each other's efforts.

Iida walked back to the U.A. High School locker room, his head held high but his heart heavy. The cheers of the crowd still echoed in his ears, a reminder of the battle he had just lost. His opponent had been formidable, and Iida couldn't deny that he had given it his all, but in the end, he had fallen short.

his brows furrowing in disappointment. *I should have been stronger.*As he removed his hero costume and changed into his regular clothes, Iida couldn't shake the feeling of defeat. The Sports Festival meant everything to him. It was a chance to prove himself, to show that he was worthy of being a hero, and to honor the ideals he held dear.

*What went wrong?* he mused, running his fingers through his disheveled hair. *Was it my strategy? My speed? Or perhaps my judgment?*The analytical side of Iida's mind took over as he replayed the match in his head, analyzing every move, every decision. He knew he needed to learn from this defeat, to identify his weaknesses and work tirelessly to overcome them.

*I can't let this setback define me,* he told himself firmly. *I will become stronger. I will train harder. I will rise above this.*As he left the locker room, Iida was greeted by the smiling faces of his friends, Uraraka and other of class 1-A. Their support meant the world to him, and he was grateful for their unwavering encouragement.

"Hey, Iida," Uraraka said, clapping a hand on his shoulder. "You gave it your all out there. You'll bounce back stronger than ever."Iida nodded, a determined gleam in his eyes. He knew his friends were right. This defeat was just a stepping stone on his path to becoming the hero he aspired to be. With renewed determination, he walked alongside his friends, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.*Yes,* he thought, *I will become the hero I was meant to be.*

But just as he was about to take a step forward, his phone buzzed in his pocket. Iida's brows furrowed in curiosity as he retrieved his phone. It was an incoming call, and the name flashing on the screen sent a shiver down his spine.

*Unknown Caller...*

With his heart pounding in his chest, Iida retreated from his battle stance and answered the call. His voice was cautious as he spoke, "Hello?"

A deep, solemn voice on the other end of the line responded, "Is this Tenya Iida?"Iida's curiosity turned to suspicion. "Who's asking?"The voice continued, "My name is Detective Nakamura. I'm with the Musutafu City Police Department. I have some urgent information that concerns your family."Iida's heart skipped a beat. *Family? What could be so urgent?*"Go on," he replied, his voice trembling.

Detective Nakamura cleared his throat before delivering the news that would change Iida's world forever. "I'm sorry to inform you that your older brother, Tensei Iida, who works as a pro hero, has been attacked by someone with a quirk. They call him... the Hero Killer."Iida's legs felt weak, and he sank to the ground, phone still pressed to his ear. The Hero Killer? His brother, a pro hero, had been targeted by this merciless villain?"Tensei," Iida whispered, his voice barely audible.

Detective Nakamura's voice remained steady. "Your brother is in stable condition, but his injuries are severe. He's currently receiving medical treatment. We thought it was important to inform you as soon as possible."

Iida's eyes welled with tears, and he clenched his phone tightly. "Thank you for letting me know. I need to see him."

Detective Nakamura provided Iida with the hospital details and assured him that they were doing everything they could to apprehend the Hero Killer.The call ended, and Iida sat there for a moment, absorbing the gravity of the news. The Hero Killer was out there, and his brother's life had been forever changed by the encounter. He took a deep breath, wiping away his tears, and stood up.

Resolute and focused, Iida knew that his path as a hero had taken on a new significance. He would honor his family's legacy, protect the innocent, and bring justice to those who needed it most, all while carrying the weight of his brother's sacrifice.

As Iida walked away from the arena, lost in his thoughts and determination, Uraraka watched from a distance. Her concern for him was evident in her eyes, but she chose to remain silent, allowing him the space he needed to process the news and prepare for the challenges that lay ahead.