
At UA High School, the day unfurled like a captivating chapter in the lives of the diligent students of class 1-A. Their unwavering commitment was on full display as they pored over textbooks and engaged in discussions, all in preparation for the impending exams. The school's hallways were a lively tapestry of youthful energy, with students hustling from one class to another, their footsteps echoing in harmony with the wisdom imparted by their dedicated teachers. It was a day where knowledge and ambition intertwined, setting the stage for their promising futures.

In the early hours of the day, Hizashi Yamada, the students' English teacher, graced them with an animated and captivating discourse on the labyrinthine depths of literature and language. His lessons were nothing short of a spectacle. With wild, sweeping gestures and a voice that could traverse vast distances, he transformed the most intricate subjects into exhilarating odysseys of knowledge. The complexities of Shakespearean sonnets became enthralling puzzles to be solved, and the works of revered authors were dissected under his adept guidance. In this way, he wove a tapestry of inspiration, bestowing upon his eager students a profound reverence for the enchantment held within the written word.

In a separate classroom, Toshinori Yagi, the venerable teacher of Foundational Hero Studies, conducted a spellbinding lecture on the very essence of heroism. His smile, radiant enough to pierce through the darkest of clouds, cast a warm glow over the room as he shared the treasures of his extensive experience and the wisdom garnered from a lifetime dedicated to the heroic cause.

Toshinori's discourse delved into the profound intricacies of heroism, guiding the students through the moral tapestry that defined their path and emphasizing the pivotal importance of unity in the realm of heroes. Each word he uttered etched a lasting impression in the hearts and minds of his young protégés, nurturing a profound respect for the noble journey they all aspired to undertake.The infectious fervor that emanated from Toshinori's teaching left an enduring imprint on the souls of his impressionable students, a spark that would illuminate their own heroic paths for years to come.

Meanwhile, in a different corner of the school, Ken Ishiyama, the erudite instructor of Modern Literature, embarked on a profound exploration of the timeless treasures of classic literature and their profound relevance in the context of a modern hero society. His teaching style, characterized by its tranquil and measured demeanor, offered a stark contrast to the energetic dynamism of Hizashi.

Yet, beneath Ken's composed exterior, there simmered a profound ardor for the intricate tapestry of words and ideas. With a steady hand and unwavering grace, he gently ushered his students into the hallowed chambers of classic novels and poetry, urging them to plumb the depths of the human experience as captured within the pages of literary masterpieces. In his presence, the students discovered a sanctuary of contemplation and wisdom, where the age-old words of the past illuminated their understanding of the present and the path toward a heroic future.

In an adjacent classroom, Ectoplasm, the Mathematics instructor, presented his students with a slew of intricate mathematical conundrums, pushing them to exercise their critical thinking faculties. His stern and no-nonsense demeanor stood in stark contrast to the previous educators, but it was apparent that his unwavering aim was to equip his students for the formidable demands of the hero profession. With each complex equation and methodical problem-solving strategy, he forged a path for his pupils, who grappled with the labyrinthine complexities of the subject, well aware that their mathematical prowess would be a linchpin in their future exploits.

Amid the lunchtime respite, Izuku and Momo discovered a secluded alcove in the courtyard, where they could momentarily escape the academic rigors. Overhead, cherry blossoms swayed in the gentle breeze, casting a delicate pattern of dappled shadows upon the ground, lending the surroundings a tranquil aura. Their fellow classmates scattered to various corners of the courtyard, each engrossed in their own activities: some fervently studying, others engaged in jovial conversations, and a few playfully locked in friendly sparring sessions.Momo, always the perceptive friend, initiated the conversation, "Izuku, did you hear what Aizawa-sensei said the other day? About our plans after the upcoming exams? It's a month away, but I can't help but wonder what he meant."

Izuku, who often deferred to Momo in their conversations, was happy to engage. He glanced thoughtfully at her, his expressive green eyes reflecting her curiosity. "Yeah, Momo, I did notice that. Aizawa-sensei is usually straightforward, so when he mentions 'plans,' it must be significant. I'm not entirely sure what he meant, but I believe it's something related to our hero training. Whatever it is, we'll prepare for it, and together, I'm sure we can face it."

Momo nodded, her nimble fingers tracing patterns in the dirt as they continued to discuss possibilities and ideas. "Izuku, you're always so perceptive when it comes to these things. What do you think it could be?"

Izuku smiled warmly, allowing Momo to lead the conversation, a subtle hint of his reliance on her insights. "Well, Momo, I'm not entirely certain. But if it's tied to our hero training, it's undoubtedly crucial. I trust Aizawa-sensei's judgment, and with the talent and determination in our class, we'll rise to the occasion. Let's continue to work hard and stay prepared."

In this situation, if a student observed Izuku and Momo having a conversation, they would quickly notice that Izuku was consistently following Momo's lead. The two of them engaged in a seamless conversation, with Momo taking on the role of a guide and decision-maker. Izuku, in turn, seemed perfectly content to follow her lead, demonstrating a strong sense of trust and reliance on her insights. Their connection was evident through subtle cues, such as Izuku frequently glancing at Momo for cues and letting her take the lead in their discussions. Although not explicitly mentioned, it was clear that their relationship was built on trust and understanding, forming a partnership that was quite remarkable to any onlookers.

As the day progressed, the students of class 1-A continued to study and prepare for their upcoming exams.


Under the warm caress of a sunlit afternoon, Izuku Midoriya and Momo Yaoyorozu made a conscious choice to share a slice of time with one another. The progression of their friendship, intricately woven over the span of months marked by unyielding dedication and the lofty pursuits of UA High School, had brought them to this rare juncture of respite.

The duo embarked on a leisurely meander through a picturesque shopping district, their steps accompanied by the gentle cadence of conversation. The atmosphere was serene, a sanctuary carved out of the bustling world. Momo, with her innate grace and poise, had the magical ability to infuse every passing moment with an aura of enchantment. It was an attribute that Izuku deeply admired, but his admiration was not confined to her intelligence alone; it encompassed the wellspring of kindness and inner strength that defined her character. 

While they perused the shelves of a charming boutique, an abrupt disturbance outside seized their attention. A cacophony of raised voices and the jarring crash of shattering glass fractured the tranquility of the moment. The shop, it seemed, was in the throes of a brazen robbery.In the face of this sudden crisis, Momo turned towards Izuku, her gaze illuminated by unwavering determination. "Izuku," she declared with unshakable resolve, "we can't simply stand by and let this unfold."Izuku's response was swift and resolute, his support unspoken but unequivocally understood as he met her eyes. "I'm with you, Momo," he affirmed. "Let's act."Momo's quirk, a testament to her resourcefulness, came into play as she fashioned a versatile set of restraints from the materials within the store. With their makeshift tools in hand, they dashed out to confront the robbers, Momo leading the charge with Izuku trailing closely behind, their hearts alight with courage.Beyond the boutique's entrance, the two young heroes confronted the solitary thief, a man whose eyes harbored a menacing glint. Momo sprang into action, employing her versatile restraints to swiftly incapacitate the intruder. However, the perilous turn of events came with an unexpected twist as the shadows birthed the man's companions, an ensemble of four individuals.

In that instant, the balance of power shifted dramatically, leaving Momo and Izuku in a precarious predicament. They stood outnumbered, facing the desperate quartet of robbers, whose collective will to escape fueled the tension in the air. The confrontation was fraught with uncertainty, as courage and determination faced off against the pressing urgency of the thieves' escape.

Amid the tumultuous scene, a moment of dire peril unfolded. A robber, driven by desperation, drew forth a gleaming blade and thrust it mercilessly toward Momo. Time seemed to slow as the threat loomed over her.

In a desperate bid to shield herself from the impending harm, Momo summoned the power of her quirk, trying to shaping it into a protective barrier. The ethereal construct materialized just in the nick of time, yet fate was unforgiving. The knife, an embodiment of malevolence, pierced through the barrier and, more grievously, through Momo's delicate arm. The blade's edge found a vein, and the world bore witness to a crimson eruption, as her life essence gushed forth, staining her attire and the ground beneath her in a grim tableau of suffering and sacrifice.

Izuku's heart wrenched to a halt at the harrowing sight that unfolded before him. The world, which had moments ago been a whirlwind of chaos, now appeared as a blur as his gaze remained fixed on Momo, who clutched her bleeding arm in agonizing pain. A pallor overtook her features, and she staggered backward, her restraints dissolving into obscurity.

In that suspended moment, time itself seemed to stretch, granting Izuku a heart-wrenching clarity. Anger surged through his veins, a molten fire stoking his resolve. Without hesitation, he surged forward, propelled by newfound determination. In a swift and calculated flurry of movements, he disarmed one of the robbers, the sickening snap of breaking bone filling the air as he rendered the criminal incapacitated.

The remaining thieves, momentarily taken aback by the fierce determination ablaze in Izuku's eyes, hesitated. But the inexorable tide of courage and justice soon enveloped them, and they too realized the futility of their attempts to escape. With a reluctant understanding, they lowered their weapons, defeated by the unwavering spirit of heroism that Izuku embodied.

Moments later, the piercing sirens of police cars heralded the arrival of law enforcement, ready to mete out justice and apprehend the thwarted robbers. Amid the commotion, Momo's injury, the grim consequence of their heroic stand, emerged as a matter of paramount urgency, demanding immediate medical attention.

While Momo was tended to by the dedicated medical personnel, Izuku remained by her side, his eyes betraying the tumult of emotions that raged within him—guilt and anger intertwined, battling for dominance in the crucible of his conscience.

Once the tumult had settled, and the situation was well under the control of the law, Izuku and Momo found themselves sharing a quiet moment on a weathered bench in a near by park. Momo's arm had been carefully bandaged, and she was in the process of recuperating. The gravity of the confrontation had shaken them to their core, unveiling the depths of their emotions. It was a moment of shared vulnerability, where the bonds of their friendship were tested and solidified by the crucible of adversity.

Amidst the tranquility of the early evening, Izuku turned to Momo, his eyes revealing the depth of his emotions. They sat together on a bench, bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun. He held her gaze for a moment, and then, with a voice that quivered only slightly, he began to speak. "Momo, you know, when I returned home after the sports festival, my mother wasn't there. Instead, I found a note," he confessed. The gentle breeze rustled the leaves around them as Momo nodded, her eyes locked onto his.

"And when I made my way to the building, just before it collapsed," Izuku's voice broke, and tears welled up in his eyes, streaming down his face. The park's ambient sounds carried on around them as Momo wrapped her arms around him, offering her silent support. He continued, his words weighed down by raw emotion. "I felt like everything I knew was slipping away. It was as though something inside me was on the verge of shattering. But then you found me, lifted me from the rubble, and today, Momo..." He took a deep breath, the newfound conviction lending strength to his voice.

As they sat together on the park bench, with the fading sunlight painting their world in warm hues, Izuku continued, "Momo, when I saw you injured, I realized you hold a special place in my heart. Seeing the blood on your arm felt like yet another breaking point. I thought I might lose you as well, and that's when it became clear to me how much you mean to me, how you've become my world. I can't imagine what my life would be without you," he confessed, his eyes locked onto hers with unwavering sincerity.

Momo's eyes locked onto his, and in that intense gaze, she found not only sincerity but also a profound reservoir of emotions. With a touch of her uninjured hand, she reached out and placed it on his, a faint, tearful smile gracing her lips. "Izuku," she began, her voice trembling with the depth of her feelings, "you mean the world to me too. We've faced so much together, and our relationship is something I cherish. I can't fathom a life without you in it."

Izuku's heart raced within his chest, and he swallowed hard, his voice quivering with vulnerability. "Momo," he stammered, "I... I want us to be more than just friends. I want you to be my girlfriend. I want to stand by your side, protect you, and treasure every moment we share." His words carried the weight of his emotions, and he held her gaze, awaiting her response.

Momo's eyes welled up with tears, not of sorrow but of overwhelming joy. Her voice trembled with the intensity of her emotions as she replied, "Izuku, this is the moment I've been waiting for, for what feels like forever. I would be deeply honored to be your girlfriend. My feelings for you run deep, and I want to stand by your side, no matter what challenges may come our way."

Tears of happiness glistened on her cheeks as Izuku gently took Momo's hand. With the utmost tenderness, he slid a delicate ring onto her finger, a ring that she had crafted in that very moment. It was a simple yet profoundly meaningful gesture, a symbol of their newfound relationship, and it carried with it the promise that their love would withstand any trials that the future held.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the world in shades of twilight, Izuku and Momo found themselves seated on that bench, their fingers intertwined. In this moment, their hearts were woven together in the tapestry of a newfound love. They understood that what had once been a cherished friendship had now evolved into something deeper and more profound, a connection that would mold their shared journey. Together, they would navigate the intricate path of heroism and love, embracing both the trials and triumphs that awaited them.

PS: Did you realize that class 1A are 10th graders, and here I am throwing them into dangerous situations? Now I feel conflicted about what to do.