Mikey vs Daniel, Part 2

"Then there's a fight!" Mikey exclaims as he draws his dual pistols and fires a volley of exploding bullets towards Daniel. The two attacks collide, then cancel eachother out.

After the fury of collisions between Mikey's bullets and Daniel's Shadow Sickles, the two charge towards each other.

"Exploding Flame Bullets: Fire Fist!" Mikey shouts.

"Shadow Sickles: Scorpion Stinger," Daniel says.

A fist of flames and a blade of shadows collide against one other, sparks flying.

"Damnit Mikey, this guy's strong, untie me and we'll fight him together!" I ordered.

"HAH!" MIkey snorts. "Sure, he's strong…for a weakling like you! Just sit back and watch as I kick the ass of the dude who you couldn't beat yourself!" Mikey's ego has taken over. All that he wants to do is settle the score between us.

After Mikey's Fire Fist and Daniel's Scorpion Stinger collide, Mikey attempts to strike Deal with a Fire Fist left hook, which is easily intercepted by three of Daniel's Shadow Sickles, as if the shadows have a mind of their own. The chains of the sickles wrap around Mikey's arm, grabbing him, then flinging him into the wall.

"Oof!" Mikey winces as his back slams into the wall, shattering through its flimsy structure, finding himself in the hallway of the abandoned house. When Mikey stands up, he sees another wave of Shadow Sickles flying his way.

Mikey points his dual pistols towards the ground. "Exploding Flame Bullets: Flame Exhaust!" Mikey fires his bullets, the explosions rocketing him into the air. Mikey maneuvers through the air, dodging every last one of Daniel's sickles. Mikey then flies towards Daniel, aiming a Fire Fist towards Daniel's head, which is intercepted by a few sickles. Mikey then dicks down to sweep Daniel's feet, but Daniel jumps over. After spinning around from his sweep, Mikey then hops back into the air, attempting to land a flaming uppercut to Daniel's chin, but Mikey's arm is grabbed by Daniel's sickles, and slammed straight into the ground. Mikey's fist breaks straight through the flimsy wooden floor of the building, and Mikey struggles to pull his hand free from the hole in the floor. So this gives Daniel the chance to deliver a mean front straight kick clean into Mikey's jaw, knocking Mikey upwards and violently snapping his neck to the air.

"I will tell you this just one more time. I do not enjoy killing those who are innocent. Stand down, and I won't have to further injure you," Daniel growls

Mikey snorts and pushes himself off of the ground. "Well luckily for you, I'm not so innocent myself. I've got a bit of blood on my hands," Mikey sneers.

"Have it your way," Daniel replies, and readies a Scorpion Stinger attack. Daniel lids his arm up, aiming his stinger towards Mikey. The coiled chain then springs out, attempting to pierce Mikey, who rolls out of the way of the attack then aims his pistols towards Daniel, letting a few bullets fire out. The bullets then exploded against Daniel's sickles.

Mikey aims both of his dual pistols onto the ground and fires off a pair of bullets, sending him propelling himself into the air. Mikey then aims a pistol at his right foot and fires off a bullet, engulfing it in flames.

"Fireball Spectre!" Mikey shouts as he launches a flurry of side-kicks towards me, which sends multiple fireballs flying out of Mikey's flaming foot towards Daniel, but he manages to dodge.

Mikey then presses the barrels of his dual pistols together and aims them at Daniel. The bars of the meters on the side of Mikey's dual pistols begin to light up, as a fireball charges in between the two barrels. It's small at first, but then as the bars charge up, from dark green to light green to yellow to orange to red, the fireball grows larger and larger, and hotter, until it stands three feet in diameter! A fireball as grand as the sun rests in between the barrels of Mikey's dual pistols. "Earth Core Cannon!" Mikey roars as he fires his attack towards Daniel. "Can your damn shadows protect you against my fire?!" Mikey cackles as the crazed smile of a maniac spreads on Mikey's face. The Pyromaniac.

Daniel brings his arms up in a cross to block, and his sickles rise up in the same pattern. A few sickles then coiled around Daniel's body as armor. Mikey's flames blast into Daniel, shattering the window behind him and lighting the building ablaze. "How was that, that's one of my strongest attacks!" Mikey laughs. "HAHAHA, burn out, bastard!"

When the smoke from Mikey's flames clears, I can see that Daniel's sickles have been burnt away, and vicious burn marks spread across Daniel's body. Daniel coughs as he waves away the smoke.

Daniel fixes a fearsome gaze on Mikey, as his samurai helmet falls off, allowing for Mikey to see Daniel's face and one of his intimidating red eyes clearly. "Red eyes? Well that's unnatural," Mikey says.

"So that was one of your strongest attacks? Well then, I'll show you one of mine," Daniel growls. Mikey takes a step back in anticipation.

"Shadow Sickle...The Betrayal of One's Own Self!" Daniel shouts. But at first… nothing happens.

"Not a catchy name," Mikey cocky replies. "Plus, your attack didn't even-" before Mikey can finish that line, a shadow sickle rises out of Mikey's own shadow.

"Mikey, look out!" I cry, but it's too late. Daniel's Shadow Sickle prices MIkey right in the stomach, causing MIkey to spit up blood then fall to the ground, as Daniel withdraws his blade out of Mikey's back.

"An attack that you can never see coming. One that is impossible to evade. An attack in which your own shadow betrays you, that is what I just used," Daniel monologues.

"Dammit...I lost to the same guy Luis lost to? Embarrassing…" Mikey weakly says.

"Shit, I need to get out of these restraints!" I cry. I then look at my wrists and ankles, seeing that the heat from Mikey's flamethrower has scorched them a bit. "Yes!" Swiftly, I rip my arms and legs from the ropes binding me and stand up, drawing my katana and putting myself between Daniel and the injured Mikey.

"I don't need your help…weakling…" Mikey weakly croaks.

"Don't worry, Mikey, I'll take this from here!" I exclaim, as I face my stalker yet again.

So you're coming back for more, Luis Tramontana?" Daniel asks. This is my third battle today...let us see if the third time truly is the charm for you, Pro Slayers." Daniel then readies his Scorpion Stinger.

"Even if the third time isn't the charm, then I'll just get back up again and again!" I reply as I ready my Wind Blade.

The two of us charge, our blades clashing yet again. "Air Control!" I use my Air Control in order to help determine Daniel's movements, helping my katana deflect Daniel's own shadow blades.

During the midst of our clashing blades, Daniel and I lock eyes with one another. "I don't know what the hell you are up to, or why you want to reap my soul, but I'll stop you here and now! And then I'll go after your dad, too!" I shout.

"Try as hard as you like, Luis Tramonatana. But like I said, your last hour strikes. And when your final hour strikes at last, your soul will be mine!" Daniel shouts back as the two of us shoved one another away.

"Wind Control: Hurricane Slash!"

"Shadow Sickes: Pierce the Heart."

I slash my wind cloaked blade forwards just as Daniel sent his Shadow Sickles towards me. The two attacks collide. My wind blows away and slashes cut through a few of the sickles, but more just appeared in their place, just like a Hydra.

The sickles fly towards me. I ready my katana and slash through them with ease, dancing through the fury of shadows, by using my Air Control for help. More sickles fly towards me, I try to slash through a few more, but find myself overwhelmed. The chains of the sickles wrap around my katana, yanking it away. The shadows toss my katana to the side, and it clangs uselessly to the ground a few feet away from me. The shadows hoist me a few feet into the air, and I find myself looking down at Daniel.

"My Shadow Sickles, the power given to me by my late mother, it's a power that is not to be trifled with without serious consequences," Daniel ominously says. "Shadow Sickles: Scorpion Stinger. A Shadow Sickle rises out from Daniel's shadow and wraps its way around the boy's arm, almost like a sword hand. Daniel chambers his arm, then punches it forward, uncoiling his Scorpion Stinger and springing it right towards me. 

"Wind Control: Tornado Shield!" By mentally controlling my Cursed Power, I manipulate the wind around my body, and spin an insanely fast tornado around me, freeing me from the sickles and dropping me to the ground, ducking under Daniel's Scorpion Stinger.

I quickly grab my katana then dash towards Daniel with my Wind Blade, keeping low to the ground. I then hop into the air, bringing my Wind Blade over my head, attempting to get an aerial slash off on Daniel, but Daniel blocks my attack with more of his Shadow Sickles. "Shadow Sickles: The Betrayal of One's Self." I saw Daniel's use the attack against Mikey, so I already have an idea of how to block it. Just as a Shadow Sickle rises up from my own shadow, attempting to strike me, I use my Tornado Shield, ripping through the sickles and protecting me from harm.

"This fight...it just won't end" I pant.

"Yes," Daniel agrees. "I could easily end this duel in a matter of seconds, but I'd rather not kill you so quickly. I still need to harvest your soul, afterall."

"Tell me, why the hell do you want to reap my soul so badly? Why do you need me?!" I cry. "How the Hell do you even reap my soul?!"

"Allow me to tell you the truth," Daniel replies. "I want to reap your soul…by consuming you. Demons grow stronger when they eat other demons, same with when they eat humans. When your soul turns eighteen and you fully ripen…I will consume you then absorb your Cursed Power, and become stronger than I have been before. Just as I have been doing for years now."

My eyes widen. "Demons…eating demons…you want to eat me…?" I stammer. "So you want to reap my soul and boost your strength?" I ask. Daniel nods. "But why do you want to become strong so badly? Are you trying to gain strength to win this upcoming demon-human war?" This time, Daniel shakes his head.

"No," Daniel answers. "I want to become strong…in order to kill my father."

My eyes widened.

"Allow me to share with you the story behind why I want to slay the Demon King, my father, so badly," Daniel then continues. "It all started on that day…"