Nick vs War

"The fighting was fun while it lasted. Well actually...not really. So now…I'm just gonna kill you kids!" War says as she releases her Bubble Prison, causing the imprisoned Grover, Jamie, and Austin to drop to the ground. As War approaches the three Slayers, she brings her fists up, Invincisphere bubbles forming around them.] But before War has a chance to strike any of the three Junior Slayers, the buzz of electricity rings through the air as a yellow and black streak zips right by the three, striking and electrocuting War, who lets out a yelp of pain. The yellow flash then pauses in front of the three Slayers, before slowly making its way over to War.

"Nick!" Grover, Jamie, and Austin cheer.

"So, who's this fine young woman who's been messing with my kids?" Nick asks as he approaches War.

"The name's War. At least that's what I've been called by you humans, anyway," War answers.

Nick's eyes widened. "War...of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?" Nick asks

"We don't know how she's on Earth, but that is War…" Austin stammers.

"You three were fighting War?" Nick cries as he turns and peers over his shoulder at the three Slayers. "Why?! And where's Luis and Mikey?!'

"It's…a long story," Jamie answers.

"Alright, just tell me later," Nick replies. "Amazing job not dying to War, you three, but stand back now. Our fight is going to be far above your pay grade." Nick then turns back to face War. "Never thought I'd get the chance to fight one of the Four Horsemen."

"Well facing off against the world's strongest human is a bit of a treat too!" War laughs.

"Naw," Nick replies. "I may be the top Pro Slayer, but that doesn't mean I'm the strongest human!" Nick then gets into a running position as electricity crackles across his entire body.

In the blink of an eye, Nick is right in front of War, his spear hand piercing War's chest. Nick then uses his Electricity to zip backwards away from War and back to his starting position. War looks down at the bleeding wound in her chest and gingerly touches her hand to her stomach. War then pulls her hand away from her chest and observes the bright red blood smeared across it.

"Huh…it's been a long time since I was injured…" War softly says. But War doesn't have much of a chance to observe her wound, when she looks up and sees Nick zip into the air above her.

Nick then forms a gun shape with his right hand, using his left hand to brace his arm. "Electricity: Lightning Bolt!" Nick shouts as he unleashes a blast of yellow lightning towards War, shocking War who stands below him. War lets out a second yelp of pain as Nick falls back to the ground. Nick then resumes his running stance before zipping towards War again as he shouts: "Electricity: Bumblebee Sting!" In defense, War raises her fist up and forms an Invincisphere bubble around it, before punching it forwards. Once Nick reappears before War, the two clash. Nick struggles against War's Invincisphere for a little bit, as War's bubble-covered fist slowly pushes Nick back.

"My bubbles are invincible, you know," War smirks.

"Yeah, thanks for the tip," Nick grunts as he electrifies his entire body again, zipping away from War.

Nick then undo's his tie and throws it to the side, unbuttoning his suit jacket, doing the same. Nick thrusts a hand into the air, cracking his knuckles. Meanwhile, storm clouds begin rolling in, and the boom of thunder echoes across the sky.

"THUNDERBOLT FROM THE HEAVENS!" Nick shouts as a giant, bright bolt of yellow and blue lightning crashes right down upon Nick, as if his hand is a lighting rod. The lighting around Nick then begins to absorb into Nick's body completely, until the boom of thunder stops and the lightning bolt disappears. Nick's entire body is crackling with bright, pure lighting. Nick's black hair is dyed pale-yellow like his Cursed Power, with his usual black streaks going through it like lightning bolts. When Nick opens his eyes, they've turned bright blue with purple pupils, lightning bolts streaking out of Nick's eyes.

"One Hundred Percent…" Nick begins to say, mini bolts of electricity spewing from his lips with each breath. "Full Charge."

"Woah, what the heck was that?!" Jamie cries.

"The strongest Pro Slayer's powered up form?! How cool!" Grover swoons.

Nick gets into a running stance again before taking off, moving faster than the naked eye can see, all that one could make of Nick was a bright flash of yellow and blue. Nick reappears behind War, launching a Bumblebee Sting to War's back.

 War counters by shouting: "Invincisphere: Bubble Shield," as a transparent bubble forms around War's entire body. Nick's Bumblebee Sting clangs uselessly against War's Invincisphere, unable to penetrate her armor.

Nick then disappears from sight again, as his lightning-fast speeds render the human eye unable to perceive Nick in his electrified state, as he zips around War as nothing more than a bright yellow and blue flash.

"I'll just have to move fast enough so that Wae doesn't have time to achieve her shields," Nick mutters to himself.

Nick dashes around War, attempting to strike War with Bumblebee Sting after Bumblebee Sting, but due to the reflexes that War has built up over her hundreds of years of fighting, War's able to block and counter each one of Nick's attacks with her Invincisphere.

After attempting to land dozens of attacks on War, Nick then reappears in the air above War again. "Electricity: Bumblebee Sting Ultra!" Nick shouts as he zips down towards War.

"Invincisphere: Bubble Shield" War shouts back as she forms an Invincisphere around her entire body.

Nick's Bumblebee Sting makes contact with War's Invincisphere, and the two attacks struggle against one another again.

"You should listen to your elders, brat, my Invincispheres are unbreakable!" War cackles.

But with a roar, Nick applies pressure to War's Invincisphere, and unleashes another blast of electricity. And slowly, War notices that small cracks are forming up and down her Invincisphere.

"What?! No one but Death and Pestilence should be able to break through my Invincisphere?!" War cries.

But Nick applies another pulse of electricity to War's Invincisphere, streaks of lightning running up and down War's bubble. At the point where Nick's Bumblebee Sting makes contact with War's Invincisphere, it forms a small crack. And as Nick applies even more and more lightning to War's Invincisphere, that small crack begins to spread, branching out into cracks all along War's Invincisphere, like shattered glass.

And then, with one final roar from Nick, and much to everyone's surprise, especially War's…War's Invincisphere shatters. Shards of War's Invincisphere fall to the ground like glass, before dissipating back into War's transparent, rainbow colored Cursed Power.

Nick then dashes away from War again, using his electrified body and lightning- quick speeds.

"Damn, I know that I'm not at my full power, or anything, but to think that any creature (other than the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse) -much less a human- would be able to break through my Invincisphere, now that…that's insane!" War exclaims, flabbergasted by Nick's very action of breaking through her Invincisphere. Not enraged, or depressed, just…amazed. "Are you sure you're not the strongest human alive?" War asks. "You very well might be!"

"Hah! Well they don't call me the strongest Pro Slayer for nothing!" Nick laughs. "But no, I know a man or two, even stronger than I."

Nick then sticks his hand into the air as just like before, clouds rolled in as the skies turned gray and lighting bolts streak through the sky, with the nearby sounds of roaring thunder. Nick then swipes his hand downwards as he shouts: "THUNDERBOLT FROM THE HEAVENS!" Just as before, a giant, bright, yellow and blue bolt of lighting crashes down from the skies. But rather than crashing on top of Nick, the lightning bolt smites War, faster than War has the chance to set up a Bubble-Shield.

"Shit, you're fast…" War grunts.

"Fast as lightning," Nick smirks.

"I didn't even have a chance to activate my Invincisphere!" War winces as she grits her teeth in pain

 "Let's keep it that way," Nick apathetically replies as he crouches down into a running stance again, his entire body crackling with yellow and light blue streaks of lightning. In a flash of yellow and light blue, Nick zips towards War again, appearing right before War, and aiming another Bumblebee Sting to her chest.

With a roar, War swipes her arms outwards, knocking Nick's lightning bolt off of her, and causing it to dissipate. And before Nick's attack can connect, War activates an Invincisphere bubble around each one of her hands, using her left fist to knock Nick's Bumblebee Sting away, and using her right fist to punch Nick in the jaw. War then deactivated the Invincisphere around her left hand and uses it to grab Nick by the dress shirt collar, pummeling Nick with rapid fire Invincisphere punches with her still bubble-coated right hand, before tossing him away.

"Nick's right. TO fight…it truly is so far above our level…" Austin swoons.

"I can't believe Nick is keeping up with the War of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse!" Jamie exclaims.

"If I want to be Chairman of the Slayer Organization…I have a long say to go…" Grover softly says to himself.

Nick quickly scrambles back to his feet and dashes towards War with another Bumblebee Sting, but before Nick's attack can connect, War jumps upwards, cartwheeling over Nick as she puts a hand to Nick's head, trapping him in an Invincisphere bubble. War then lands back to the ground on one knee before standing up and turning back around face Nick.

"You'll find that you're going to have a hard time escaping my Bubble Prison!" War smirks, but Nick doesn't reply.

"Electricity: Shockwave!" Nick shouts as he sticks his hands outwards, releasing bolts of electricity from each of his fingers in hopes of breaking through War's Invincisphere, but to no avail.

"When the fight was fresh, you may have been able to break through my Invincispheres, but now you've expended too much Cursed Power and won't be able to break through!" War taunts.

"I'll just have to...focus all of my Cursed power at a single point," Nick mutters to himself as he forms a gun shape with his right hand, using his left hand to brace his arm. "Something that I'm not good at. Big, powerful attacks, instead of multiple small ones…" Nick says, as small bolts of lightning begin crackling around Nick's entire body, before moving up to only the tip of his finger, and large bolts of lightning streak around Nick's finger tip.

"Electricity: Lightning Bolt!" Nick shouts as he unleashes a blast of yellow lightning, piercing War's Invincisphere and crashing a hole straight into it, just as before. "As you were saying?" Nick smirks as he steps out of War's Bubble Prison.

"Maybe I'm low on Cursed Power, too," War smirks back.

Nick then raised his hand and extended his fingers out like a spear, lightning coursing around his hand as War raised her own hand, curling it into a fist and forming an Invincisphere bubble around it. Nick and War then dash towards one another, Nick's Bumblebee Sting colliding with War's Bubble Fist. An explosion of yellow lightning and rainbow Cursed Power burst out of the collision of the two attacks, sending Grover, Jamie, and Austin flying backwards as they cry out, Nick's electrified spear-hand struggling against War's bubble-coated fist. But before the fight can escalate even further, Nick feels a vibration come from the pocket of War's hot-red leather jacket, as a catchy pop song rings through the air.

"On second thought!" War begins to say as she sweeps her free arm towards Nick, sending Nick flying away.

"AAHHHH!!!" Nick cries as he's sent crashing through tree after tree.

 War then sticks her hand into the pocket of her red leather jacket, pulling out a phone with a matching red case. War looks down at her phone and mutters a text message out loud to herself.

"EH?!" War cries as she lets out an annoyed huff of surprise before sliding her phone back into her pocket. "Listen, my work here is done. All I needed to do was stall your goons for time so that the fight in that abandoned house goes uninterrupted. And now that the Black Demon has achieved his goal…tottles!" War explains.

"So just like that, you're leaving?!" Jamie cries.

"But I need to defeat you if I want to become the Chairman of the Slayer Organization!" Grover wines. "And, uhh…we gotta keep you here for Mikey's sake."

But Austin places a hand on Grover and Jamie's shoulders, settling the two down. "We should count ourselves lucky that War didn't fight us with her full strength. Look what she did to Nick? She'd kill us in seconds," Austin explains, causing Grover and Jamie to grumble to themselves.

"You're God-damn right, glasses boy!" War laughs as she hops on top of her matching red motorcycle, revs the engine, then takes off into the forest.

"Did" The three Slayers hear a voice grunt, and they turn and look to where they heard the voice, seeing an injured Nick limping over to them

"Not at all," Austin answers.

"Well technically…you win by elimination!" Jamie explains.

"You're always a winner in my book, Sir Bumblebee, sir!" Grover cheers.