Staten Island vs Queens Squad, Part 4

"Eh?" I ask as I tumble to the ground, losing my footing. Ivy's gorilla then jabs me in the gut, sending me stumbling backwards a few steps.

"Luis, "physical" attacks aren't going to work against Cursed Power, try using a Cursed Power attack!" Ella explains. 

 "No wonder Nick taught me how to use Cursed Power wind, rather than real wind!" I say to myself as I wrap my wind around my katana as I slash it into the gorilla's fist, our two attacks colliding.

"Weird, it feels like slicing a Cursed Power Emission," I grunt as I struggle against Ivy's gorilla's fist. Eventually, my katana slices through Ivy's gorilla which dissipates back into her medium green Cursed Power.

But Ivy's assault doesn't stop there.

Ivy's Cursed Power then molds itself into a new shape, by following along to ivy's flute-tune, this time, morphing into a large, green tiger.

"Oh come on, how can you expect me to fight a kitty-cat?!" I snap as I duck under the tiger's meaty paw, who swiftly swung its claws towards me with a mighty roar. "If it was a dog, maybe," I continue as I ready my Wind Blade and use it to slice through the tiger's claws again, dissipating its left arm back into Cursed Power, but then, here comes the right, which Ivy sends slicing towards me again.

"My katana won't be able to reach in time," I grunt.

Fortunately, this time, Ella uses a Knockback Wave in order to repel the tiger's other claw, dissipating it fully back into Ivy's medium green Cursed Power at last.

"I thought you loved nature," I call to Ivy with a smirk. "Yet here you are, creating these poor animals just to get hurt."

"I really don't think mind games are going to work on Ivy, Luis," Ella sighs, causing me to recoil.

"My new technique!" Ivy booms as she retracts the flute from her lips. "Zoo Keeper: Animal Animation. Using my knowledge of animals that I've gained from working at my family's zoo, I construct Cursed Power animals that follow the bidding of my flute, just as Lycan would. No longer am I a hindrance on the battlefield without Lycan!"

"Ivy damn well now might be the biggest threat of Renzu's Squad," I grumble.

"Mh-hm!" Ella nods in agreement.

"Zoo Keeper: Animal Animation!" Ivy shouts before bringing her flute back up to her lips. Ivy then begins playing her flute, and as she does so, Ivy's medium green Cursed Power begins seeping out of the holes in her flute, before molding itself into a new shape, a rhino.

"It's huge!" Ella yelps.

"Oh piss off, you do not have rhinos in your zoo!" I snap.

In response, Ivy's rhino lets out a loud roar before tucking its head in and aiming its horn at us. And then…it charges.

Mighty footsteps echo across the ground as Ivy's rhino stampedes towards us, its horn bared and looking like it can pierce straight through me in a second.

"I really don't think that I have the Cursed Power left to slice through something that large," I say.

"Here, take some of mine," Ella suggests.

"No, no, remember last time you did that? With Austin at the Cards of the King Mission? You almost died," I reply.

"Well our lives aren't in danger this time, and I won't give you enough to kill myself, so take it!" Ella snaps.

Of course, I am worried about Ella, but I know that she's not an idiot and won't leave herself with a lethal amount of Cursed Power left. That's not the reason why I'm denying her advances. What I really need to do is to tap into some Blue Demon power without going all crazy mode. Like with King and Daniel, before going full Blue Demon, my veins began to glow blue, and then, I was able to slice through Cursed Power as if it was butter, just by using my katana.

I need to be able to do that now.

"Don't worry, I got this!" I shout as I crouch down low and tense up my entire body, popping my veins out as tightly as I can. "Any second now, they're going to start glowing blue!" I roar, as I tense my body even further…even further beyond. But even still…nothing happens.

"Huh?" I ask as I stand back up and untense my body. 

"Was…something supposed to happen there?" Ella asks.

"Yeah, I guess so," I reply.

Ivy's rhino continues its mighty charge towards us, and now, we have little time to react.

"Luis, here!" Ella shouts as she aims her palm at me, firing off a small ring of pink Cursed Power towards me. When the wave makes contact with my back, it absorbs into my body, and I feel my Cursed Power recover slightly, as Ella's diminishes, just a bit.

"Alright, let's do this!" I roar as I bring my katana high into the air again. I wrap my wind around my katana as I pour my Cursed Power into its blade. "I don't have enough Cursed Power left for a Sky God's Katana, but here we go!" I shout as I swing my katana downwards, into Ivy's rhino.

"Wind Control: Wind Blade!"

My Wind Blade slams into Ivy's rhino, causing it to let out a howl of pain, or whatever the Hell kinda' noise rhinos make. But my katana isn't able to slice cleanly through Ivy's rhino's thick, Cursed Power hide, and so, before dissipating back into Ivy's medium green Cursed Power, Ivy's rhino tackles me in the chest with its mighty horn, sending my flying backwards and spitting out a glob of blood. Luckily, I'm able to catch my body with my wind and set myself safely back down on the ground, as Ella tends to my wounds.

"My Cursed Power animals pack quite the punch, don't they?" Ivy smirks.

"How are we supposed to compete with animals, that's just not fair," I grumble.

"At least we've figured out one limitation of Ivy's Cursed Ability," Ella replies.

 "Oh? Do share," I ask.

"Most likely, Ivy can only control one animal at a time. Her flute gives very precise orders to whichever animal that she is controlling, so if Ivy was controlling two animals at a time, she'd have to focus on moving both at once, only with a flute, and wouldn't be able to give orders as precise," Ella explains.

"Well then, at least we only had to worry about what's in front of us," I reply.

"Not exactly. It's Ivy we have to beat, you know," Ella corrects me.

"Yeah, I know, I have a plan. Just follow my lead," I say.

"Huh? Okay…"

Without another word to Ella, I crouch down low and wrap my wind around my ankles. "Wind Control: Sky God's Anklets!" I shout as I dash towards Ivy, who continues playing her flute, sending a Cursed Power bird, probably a hawk or something, flying my way.

"Knockback Wave!" Ella shouts as she sends an orange ring of Cursed Power flying towards the bird, knocking it out of the air, only for Ivy to send another bird my way, which Ella knocks down as well.

As Ella and Ivy keep battling it out, I use my Sky God's Anklets to leap high into the air above Ivy, as I bring my katana high above my head, preparing a Wind Blade.

"Wind Control: Wind Blade!" I shout as I swing my katana downwards. Ivy, in turn, looks up to face me as her Cursed Power bird molds itself into the form of a gorilla, which launches a fist my way. My Wind Blade slams into the gorilla's fist, our two attacks struggling for dominance. With its free fist, Ivy's gorilla then knocks me away, sending me stumbling backwards.

"Damn, I need the strength of my Sky God's Katana, but I can't really move while using it," I grumble to myself as I push myself off of the ground. My eyes then widen as a lightbulb goes off over my head. "That's it!" I then wrap my wind around my ankles and take off after Ivy again. "Ella, support me just one more time!" I shout over the howl of my wind and the roar of Ivy's gorilla.

"Right!" Ella replies.

Just as before, I use my wind to swiftly boost me over to Ivy then leap high into the air, bringing my katana above my head.

"That trick again?! It already failed, you know!" Ivy snaps before bringing her flute back up to her lips, sending her gorilla after me again.

"Wrap my wind around my blade…condense it into a katana…then reinforce it with Cursed Power…" I softly say to myself as I pour Cursed Power into my katana's blade as I wrap my wind around it then condense it, forming an extra large, extra powerful katana of wind.

And as I fall through the air down towards Ivy and her gorilla, I swing my katana downwards.


I slam my Sky God's Katana into Ivy's gorilla, slashing right through it with ease in an explosion of wind and dark blue Cursed Power.

"I got to get out of here!" Ivy whimpers in fear before spinning around in an attempt to get out of the range of my Sky God's Katana. But when she does so, Ivy finds herself face to face with Ella.

"Um…sorry about this…" Ella apologizes. "But I have to win!"

"Reinforcement Wave!"

Using a Cursed Power Barrier reinforced punch as well as her Wave, Ella slams her fist straight into Ivy's gut. Ivy's eyelids flutter for a few moments as Ivy's eyes roll back into her skull a little, before slipping off of Ella's fist and limply falling to the ground.

"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry!" Ella stammars as she drops to the ground and checks on Ivy. As for me, I drop to my rear as my explosion dissipates, watching Ella with a small chuckle.

"No need to help the enemy, you know," I chuckle.

"It doesn't matter!" Ella frantically replies. "We've already won."

"Hey, that was awesome, I didn't know you had that kinda' fight in you!" I laugh as I run over to Ella.

"Thanks!" Ella chipperly replies as we hit each other with a double high-five.