Team Mikey vs Brooklyn Squad, Part 1

We watch asTeam Mikey wanders through a vast desert terrain. It looks dry and hot down there, so I can't say I envy them. Team Mikey trudges through the golden sand as the bright sun beats down on them. In the arena, you can see the occasional cactus, other than that, only sand dunes. First the jungle and now the desert? That's unfortunate.

"Let the match begin!" The announcer booms.


Mikey, Jamie, and Austin are wandering through the cast golden desert as the bright sun beats down on them. Other than the occasional cactus, only sand dunes are in sight, not even their opponents.

"Our opponent is Brookyln's squad squad. The squad members include; Mercury Silver, Slayer Jishaku, Cursed Ability: Metallic, a shooter. Her sister, Medusa Silver, Slayer Sekka, Cursed Ability Stone Eyes, a Supporter. And finally, Jin Brasher, Slayer Kauntā, Cursed Ability: Absorption, an attacker," Austin explains.

"Whatever," Mikey grunts.

"Mikey, don't let us have a repeat of last time!" Jamie snaps, like a stern parent.

"Medusa's Cursed Ability, Stone Eyes, turns you into stone if you make direct eye contact with her," Austin continues as he hands out a pair of black tinted glasses to both Jamie and Mikey. "Judging by the footage we have on Medusa, I can't discern whether or not her Cursed Ability works through eye protection or not, so it's better to be safe than sorry," Austin finishes as he pulls his glasses off, hooks them on his orange handkerchief, and pulls on his high-tech goggles, turning them on.

Jamie slides on her glasses. Mikey takes one look at the glasses Austin handed him, and then, without a second thought, tosses them into the sand. Austin watches Mikey with a sigh.

"Our number one priority is to take out Medusa first, because with just one glance, she can limit our numbers very easily. I'll stand back and provide cover fire to distract Mercury and Jin, while you two rush in and take out Medusa," Austin explains.

"Finally, a plan I like!" Mikey replies.

"Afterwards, I'll focus solely on Jin since his Cursed Ability makes him immune to physical attacks, so my bullets would work better than your guys' Cursed Abilities. Jamie will face Mercury then, and you, Mikey, uhh…" Austin continues.

"What?" Mikey grunts.

"You can just do whatever," Austin answers.

"That was the idea. I don't listen to you," Mikey replies, causing Jamie and Austin to sigh, yet again.

Team Mikey continues trudging through the desert until Austin spots some movement ahead of them, thanks to his tech-tech goggles.

"Uphead, do you see that?" Austin exclaims as he pauses and points ahead of him.

"No, what is it?" Jamie asks, squinting at the desert dunes ahead.

"Our opponents are approaching over that sand mound at eleven o'clock, we'll engage with them shortly, let's keep moving," Austin answers.

"How the Hell do you even see 'em?" Mikey asks.

"My goggles," Austin nonchalantly answers. "Heat vision."

"Eleven, right?" Mikey asks.

"Yeah," Austin answers.

Without another warning, Mikey draws his dual pistols and aims them behind his back, before getting into a running position.

"Oh, you better not be doing what I think you're doing!" Jamie groans.

"Mikey, you dumbass!" Austin snaps.

But alas, it's too late. Flames begin spewing out from the barrels of Mikey's dual pistols, and with a: "See you later, losers! I'm going on ahead," Mikey takes off, streaking through the desert sand like a flaming arrow towards where Austin said their opponents are located.

"Oh, I'm not surprised," Jamie sighs. "What now?"

"Get down," Austin orders as he ducks behind a sand dune. Jamie shrugs then does the same. Austin constructs a sniper rifle out of his glowing orange Cursed Power and aims its barrel over the sand dune. Through the scope, Austin can see that his sniper rifle is aimed dead center at Medusa's forehead.

"Waiting…waiting…" Austin mutters as he trails Medusa's forehead with his sniper rifle, until eventually, Medusa stops, assumingly upon seeing Mikey. And Austin takes this chance as his moment to strike.

"Now!" Austin exclaims. "Gunsmith: Weakness Snipe!"

Austin fires off a sniper rifle bullet towards Medusa, but a second before the bullet can pierce her forehead, scraps of metallic shrapnel fly in front of Medusa's face, shielding it like armor, before retracting away. Once the shrapnel clears away, Austin can see that Medusa is completely unharmed.

"It looks like sniping isn't going to work," Austin grunts as he stands back up and allows his sniper rifle to dissipate back into Cursed Power.

"Why not?" Jamie asks as she stands up as well.

"Mercury's shrapnel perfectly blocked my sniper rifle bullets right before it could hit Medusa," Austin answers. "Let's follow after Mikey."

"Let's just hope he didn't defeat all three already," Jamie sighs.

"That's why we're moving in now," Austin replies. "Let's go!" And with that, Jamie and Austin take off after Mikey.


"That fool, did he not do any research on me before our match? If so, then he should have known that chagrin right in is a fool's mistake!" Medusa cackles.

"Careful, sister, look over there!" Mercury shyly adds, interrupting Medusa's cackle as she points over to the stand dunes overhead, seeing Jamie and Austin charging over them.

"Gunsmith: Assault Rifle!" Austin shouts as he showers Medusa in bullets, who doesn't even lift so much as a finger to defend. Instead, she smugly smirks at her two opponents, as shrapnels of metal fly up in front of her body, shielding her from Austin's bullets.

"Adaptability: Rubber-Iron Gauntlet!" Jamie shouts as she punches both fists outwards, which begin stretching towards Medusa like rubber, Jamie's fist and wrist coated in iron. But rather than punching Medusa, when Mercury's body begins bubbling with dull silver Cursed Power, Jamie's arms instead curve and head towards Medusa, as if they're attracted to her.

"What?! My arms aren't listening to me!" Jamie cries.

 "Shit, that's Mercury's Magnetic, she's able to use her magnetic Cursed Power to manipulate and control all types of metal," Austin explains. "Your iron fists are attracted to Mercury's magnetic Cursed Power."

Before Jamie's rubber fists can punch Mercury, Mercury swipes her hand upwards, and as she does so, a wave of shrapnel flies up, shielding Mercury from Jamie's attack, who retracts her rubber arms back to her shoulders.

"It looks like my Iron Coat is useless here," Jamie says.

"Wait, what's that?" Austin interrupts, pointing to a stone mound that Medusa is sitting on top of, with her arms and legs crossed.

"It looks like…Mikey?!" Jamie cries.

"Oh yes, your squadmate decided to rush in on his hand, and, well, with a singular glance to my eyes, and he was out cold! Literally!" Medusa cackles.

"EH?!" Jamie and Austin cry. Surely enough, taking a second look at the stone mound that Medusa is sitting on, it looks like Mikey alright. Spiky hair, dual pistols, and all. Mikey looks as if he was mid-attack before being turned to stone, and is now tilted over on his side, like the world's least comfortable couch.

Austin flinches to aim the barrel of his assault rifle, but Jin responds by swooping in and aiming a Cursed Power Barrier reinforced punch to Mikey's head, stopping right before his punch connects.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I wouldn't do that if I were you," Medusa smirks. "One wrong move and your friend here shatters."

Jamie and Austin say nothing to Medusa's threat, until Austin smirks as Jamie bursts out laughing.

"You're laughing?!" Medusa furiously cries. "I turned your friend into stone and you're laughing?!"

"Shatter him to bits for all I care, I wouldn't even consider him a friend!" Austin spits with a small chuckle.

Meanwhile, Jamie giggles a bit, trying to recollect herself from her laughing fit.



"Calm down, sister, it's still a three on one, they're bluffing," Mercury says as she places a hand on her sister's shoulder, calming Medusa down.

"I'll show you if we're bluffing!" Jamie exclaims.

"I'll be the judge of that!" Medusa snaps as stone-gray Cursed Power begins bubbling around her eyes, like Cursed Power Sensing. "Now…TURN TO STONE!" Medusa shrieks as she peers up at Jamie and Austin. But -much to Medusa's surprise- Jamie and Austin don't turn to stone. Jamie shrugs at Austin yawns, unbothered by Medusa's threat.

"Shit, their glasses are blocking out my Cursed Ability," Medusa grumbles. "MERCURY! Jin! Kill them, my servants!" Medusa shrieks as she points to Jamie and Austin.

"Y-yes, sister," Mercury apprehensively stammars.

"I wish I had a different squadmate," Jin grumbles as he retracts his fist away from Mikey.

Mercury and Jin then charge Jamie and Austin, who turns, gives their teammate a small nod, and without exchanging a single word, turns back forwards and charges to their respective teammates.


"Beg all you want, I'll never tell you the secret of how to unpetrify your friend!" Medusa cackles.

Jamie punches her fist together in response. "Don't worry! We don't want or need it," she smirks, causing Medusa's conceited grin to falter.