Ella, Winter, and Ivy vs Renzu

"Just like Michael Hakan, Slayer Kaen in the previous round, August takes an overwhelming solo victory over his opponents. Although this time, August beat a high level senior Slayer in a few minutes flat! Can Slayer Kaen top that?!" The announcer booms. The crowd goes wild.

"Hah! If Mikey was here instead of being busy with his own fight, he'd throw a fit!" Nick laughs from his seat in the lounge of the Slayer Organization Headquarters. "Either way, August and Winter just made this event a whole 'lot more interesting," Nick smirks. "Owen Solomon…"

"Just what are you planning?"


"Let the match begin!" The announcer booms.

"What Slayer Renzu is doing right now is obvious. To me, at least," Ivy begins to explain. "Slayer Renzu is handing back, using her camera to get a clear view on our location, our movements, and how we're going to attack her when we eventually do engage in combat."

"So Slayer Renzu isn't going to come to us, we have to go to her?" Ella asks.

"Bingo," Ivy answers.

"How do we bypass Slayer Renzu's precognition Cameraman?"

"Her precognition isn't limitless, Slayer Renzu can only see singular images of the future, not videos, so she only has a brief image of what's to come, not every last detail," Ivy explains. "But trust me, those brief images are more than enough."

Winter is silent during the entire conversation.

"Um…Winter, right? Do you have any ideas?" Ella asks. Ella shivers. Just by standing around Winter, she feels cold.

"Sneak attacks are already out of the option. Since Slayer Renzu can see our every move, we need to hit her with a brute force ambush that's impossible to dodge. Ella, when we get closer, your job is to boost mine and Winter's Cursed Power," Ivy continues. "Winter, what's your Cursed Ability?"

No answer.

Still no answer.


"I'm cold."

"Huh?" Ella asks.

"Tch," Ivy grunts. She's officially annoyed. "Yes, we get it, you're cold! It's very pompous of you to sit there and say nothing while we're trying to figure out our plan for victory!"

Winter doesn't respond.

"Hello?!" Ivy snaps.


"Don't need a plan. I want to win too. More than you. It's just...I don't need constant babbling in order to succeed. I don't need the help of you two at all. All I need...is my own strength…" Winter finally answers at last, causing Ivy to throw her hands into the air with a grunt of distress. "All I need for you two to do is find our opponent. That's the one thing I can't do on my own," Winter finishes.

"Stupid…stuck up…" Ivy grumbles.

"At least…Winter is helping us out now," Ella says with an awkward chuckle, failing to lighten up the situation.

"I'll show her…" Ivy grumbles as she extends a hand outwards, emitting a small green shot of Cursed Power. "Zoo Keeper, Animal Animation: Tracking Hound!" Ivy says as her Cursed Power begins molding itself into a long sounded, droopy eared, hunting dog. That's green, of course.

"Aw, how cute!" Ella swoons.

Winter is silent.

Ivy reaches into her pocket and pulls out her flute, bringing it up to her lips. "My hunting dog will be able to sniff out Slayer Renzu with ease," Ivy explains. When Ivy begins playing her flute, her hunting dog instantly perks up. It then begins sniffing the ground around the three Slayers, and when it catches wind of a scent, it looks up at Ivy, barks, then takes off running, supposedly towards Renzu.

"Alright, let's go!" Ivy says as she chases after her hunting hound.

Ella runs after Ivy, as Winter slowly lumbers behind.

The dog leads Ivy and co through the jungle for a while. Until eventually, the dog stops, then dissipates back into Ivy's green Cursed Power.

"The trail's gone cold," Ivy announces.

"But where is Slayer Renzu?" Ella asks.

Ella and Ivy begin to look around for a little while until eventually, Ivy spots something laying on top of a pile of rocks nearby and jogs over to it. Ivy picks the item up and holds it up to her face seeing that it's- "Slayer Renzu's jacket?!"

"Does that mean that Slayer Renzu isn't here?" Ella asks as she approaches ivy.

"Yes. We've been duped," Winter answers.

"Damnit, Slayer Renzu must have known that I was going to use my tracking hounds, and did this to throw us off her trail!" Ivy cries as she slumps down onto the rocks, feeling defeated. "What now?"

Before anyone can answer, the three Junior Slayers hear the rustle of leaves come from the tree above Winter, as Slayer Renzu leaps out of it.

"Of course, I should have known!" Ivy cries. "Slayer Renzu is a master of sneak attacks, that's why she wanted to throw off our trail!"

"Winter, look out!" Ella cries, but Winter doesn't listen. She doesn't even turn to face Renzu, who aims a Cursed Power Barrier infused kick towards the back of Winter's neck.

"I'm sorry to crush your dreams like this, Ivy, but with my pride as your Squad Captain on the line, I can't let my own Junior Slayer defeat me!" Renzu exclaims as her kick continues flying towards the back of Winter's neck.

But before Renzu's kick can come in contact with the back of Winter's neck, something amazing begins to happen. Starting from the foot upwards, Renzu's leg…it begins to freeze! When Renzu's leg is mere millimeters away from the nape of Winter's neck, crystal blue ice creeps its way up Renzu's leg, starting from the tips of her toes, like Medusa's petrification, but ice.

"Huh?! What's happening?!" Renzu panics, and then…Renzu's leg freezes up completely. Renzu drops to the ground, furiously rubbing at her frozen leg, attempting to get the ice off of it. But it's frozen solid. "But how...I didn't even make contact with Winter nor did the girl even move! How did she freeze my leg so quickly?"

"How does it feel?" Winter eerily asks. "The seeping colds of winter have claimed your leg, and soon, your entire body." And as if on cue, the ice encrusted over Renzu's leg begins to spread upwards towards her entire body, like a plague. Renzu whimpers in fear.

"My Cursed Ability, Cryokinesis, allows me to control the very element of death itself. Ice. As cold and as white as Winter, just like my name," Winter explains. "My Cursed Power has an icy property to it, which I constantly emit around my entire body. So when one enters my ice-barrier, they freeze up instantly. No one has ever been able to lay a hand on me since I was created."

"Like Nick's electrified Cursed Power!" Ella adds.

"No wonder it's always so cold around Winter…" Ivy comments.

"My Cameraman…it couldn't detect your icy barrier!" Renzu exclaims.

"Hey, Winter, you do realize that if you kill Slayer Renzu, we're disqualified, right?" Ivy nervously asks.

"Don't fret, I know," Winter answers. "I've already mentioned how I want to win this competition more than any of you do. I'll leave this one alive, just barely enough for me to obtain victory instantly."

Ivy watches in terror as Winter's ice creeps all the way up towards Renzu's neck, stopping just inches away from her mouth.

"Cryokinesis: Crystal Turrets," Winter coldly says as she swipes her ice-blue Cursed Power reinforced hand outwards, forming a crystal blue tower constructed out of sharp, jagged shards of ice. "With my Cryokinesis, I can freeze the air around me, constructed weapons out of ice," Winter explains as she aims her hand towards the almost-frozen Renzu. "Now, fire." Winter's Crystal Turret begins firing shards of ice towards Renzu, bombarding her with shards of ice. Renzu howls in pain, and by the time that Winter's attack lets up, she's long since been defeated.

Winter's Crystal Turret and the ice encrusted around Renzu then begins to melt, reverting back into Winter's ice-blue Cursed Power.

Ella and Ivy shudder at Winter's eerie display.

"Winter defeated my own squad captain so easily…" Ivy softly says in amazement.

"At least her ice looks pretty," Ella adds with an awkward laugh.

Just like August before her, Winter turns around and begins exiting the arena, as Slayer Renzu is carried off in a stretcher by a team of Medical Slayers, her leg ridden with frostbite.


"Let the match begin!" The announcer booms.

"So does anyone know who our opponent is?" Rokku asks her teammates, Austin and Lycan.

"I've met her before, Slayer Kurāken, but I don't know what she can do," Austin answers. "It's a secret."

"Well I know what you can do," Rokku growls at Austin. "I don't know if I can work with the person who beat me…"

"Blame my squadmate, Mikey, not me," Austin smugly replies as he does the anime glasses guy thing again. "And that's a shame. Because our Cursed Abilities would pair very well together."

Rokku rolls her eyes at Austin. "And what can you do?" Rokku asks as she turns to face Lycan.

"I can turn into a powerful wolf," Lycan answers. "But I can't control it, not without my squadmate, Ivy, around. So, uhhh…don't ask me to fight."

"Great, so my teammates are my enemy and useless dog," Rokku grumbles as she rolls her eyes.

"No offense but, it may be better if you didn't...help…" Austin says to Lycan. "I'm not willing to take the risk of you attacking me or Rokku instead of your opponent."

"Yeah…I understand…" Lycan sadly replies as he slumps down, looking glum.

"What if we do what you did during the first round, where you charge in alone in your wolf form, Lycan?" Rokku suggests.

"That strategy worked well when Lycan had allies to pick off the rest of the enemy forces, but against a singular opponent, that won't do," Austin answers.