Luis, Astra, and Ronbun vs Kaze, Part 2

As we get closer to the center of Kaze's tornado, the winds around us intensify. I have to struggle with all my might to keep my Air Control active, as Astra, Ronbun, and I trudge through the winds, almost being pushed back with every step.

The three of us keep trudging onwards, that is, until Astra pauses. "Luis, jump to your right! Ronbun, duck down!" She orders.

The two of us don't question Ronbun's orders. I extend my Air Control another couple of feet and roll to me right, just as Ronbun ducks down. As we do, a large, prickly cactus slams into the ground where the two of us previously stood.

"Woah, that was pretty cool, thank you!" I exclaim as I push myself off of the ground and peer over at Astra, who turns away from me and blushes, crossing her arms.

"I'm just doing what I do best!" Astra snaps.

But then, the wind kicks up even further, and the three of us are forced off of our feet, and sent flying into the sky.

"WAAHHH!!!!" The three of us cry as we spin through the air, being carried around and around by Kaze's tornado. I try to use my Air Control to take control of the surrounding air, but I fail instantly. Right now, in this tornado…I'm in Kaze's domain.

I peer down to the center of the eye of the tornado, where Kaze stands. Kaze has curly brown hair and blue eyes, and is wearing a brown flight jacket with a fluffy white collar, thick orange gloves, a blue headband tied around his forehead, and flight goggles. He looks like an old-school pilot. I wonder if in the future, if my wind gets stronger, I'll dress like that? Wearing stuff to help protect me from wind and debris.

"Slayer Fūjin!" Kaze calls to me.

"WHAT?!" I call back. I have to shout to hear my own voice over the howling winds, and even Kaze's voice sounds super faint right now.

"I was in flight school when I first learned I had Cursed Power!" Kaze continues. "Since I loved flying and wind, I created my Cursed Ability, Air Manipulation, and took on the name of "Slayer Kaze." So when I see you, a rookie with the same Cursed Ability as me who can barely use his wind propperally, it makes me sick. I call myself Kaze because although I'm not a master of it, I love the wind! I fell in love with it, and the sky during my time as a pilot in the military! You call yourself "Fūjin" despite not loving or mastering the wind! You are a "Fake Fūjin!" And before you disrespect the wind even further, I'm going to teach you how to master your control over wind, or force you to never wield it again!"

"EH?!" I cry.

In an instant, Kaze then swipes his hands outwards, causing his tornado to spiral outwards, sending both Astra and Ronbun as well as everything else that the tornado has sucked up flying away.

Except for me.

"Air Control!" I shout, and this time, I actually am able to take control of the surrounding air. Using my Wind Control, I create a strong updraft below me, which safely lowers me to the ground.

"Not bad," Kaze smirks.

"And how are you going to make sure I'll never use my wind again?" I ask. "It's not like you can fire me!"

"No, but I can certainly make you want to quit," Kaze sneers as he cracks his knuckles. And after seeing that giant-ass tornado, I don't doubt for a second that Kaze can beat me half to death in an instant.

"Air Manipulation: Towering Tornado!" Kaze shouts as he swipes his gloved arm outwards, and again, a house-sized tornado instantly forms around Kaze, with Kaze as the eye of the tornado.

Again, I'm thrusted into the air and sent spinning around, so fast, that my body instantly goes numb and dizzy, as I'm pelted with sand, debris, and cacti.

"A true Fūjin would be able to break free from my tornado in a second!" Kaze shouts.

"Break free?" I snap. "I can't even think straight!"

Okay, so I need to exit the winds of the tornado and make my way into the eye, but then, when I do, I'll probably just plummet to the ground, unless I'm able to create a strong enough updraft in time to keep me afloat. At first, when I told Astra and Ronbun that "I think I can cut through Kaze's tornado," I meant by using my Blue Demon Powers. But now…that feels like cheating.

I need to do this with my wind.

Kaze's Cursed Power is spread thin throughout this tornado, that's something that I've learned from using my own wind. Which means that if I concentrate my Cursed Power into a singular point, maybe a foot or so in diameter around me, I should be able to overpower Kaze's Cursed Power and over take his wind. He's just a human. I have the strength of a demon behind my Cursed Power.

"Air Control!" I shout. And so, I emit my Cursed Power around me. At first, it's a struggle to take control of Kaze's wind, I feel his own Cursed Power bushing back against mine. But as I thought, this tornado is more wind than Cursed Power. And so, my dense, stronger Cursed Power overtakes Kaze's and takes control over a small portion of his tornado, mixing it with my own Cursed Power and wind.

"Yes!" I cry.

"Hmm…not bad," Kaze smirks. "But it's not enough to defeat me!"

"I've always wanted to try this-" I begin to say. Using the portion of tornado that I control, I pause its rotation, causing me to plummet to the ground. But before I can fall too far, I wrap my wind around my ankles, then extend it downwards forming a thin tornado from my waist to the ground, keeping me suspended in the air. "Air Control: Air Lock!"

"I-it worked!" I stammer. "I'm flying! I'm really flying!"

"Huh?! N-not even I can fly!" Kaze cries, clearly flustered.

Well, "fly" is a strong word. It's more like using a tornado wrapped around me, I'm just kind of keeping myself suspended in the air a little.

"Wind Control: Wind Blade!" I shout as I swoop down towards Kaze. As I do so, I draw my katana and prepare a Wind Blade.

Once I'm close enough to Kaze, I slash my Wind Blade outwards, my Kaze counters by shouting; "Air Manipulation: Repel," and thrusting his palm out towards me, which sends me flying backwards with a powerful gust of wind. Before my back can slam into the outer layer of Kaze's tornado, I wrap another tornado around my waist, which extends down to the ground, catching me, and keeping me afloat in the air.

"Air Manipulation: Sky Shuriken!" Kaze shouts as he brings that same palm into the air, and the wind that Kaze used to repel me swirls around his palm wrapping around his hand then condensing into a sharp, spinning shuriken. "It's a lot more convenient to use the same wind for multiple attacks, that way, you save Cursed Power!" Kaze explains as he launches his Sky Shuriken towards me.

"Thanks for the lesson while kicking my ass!" I reply with a nervous smirk as I use my tornado to fly around, attempting to dodge Kaze's Sky Shuriken. But I'm too close to Kaze's tornado, and with our winds mixing around together, I'm unable to keep my tornado afloat, which fizzles out, causing me to fall to the ground.

"AHH!!" I yelp. As I fall, Kaze's Sky Shuriken slams into me in an explosion of wind and his light gray Cursed Power, which shreds me up. When the explosion subsides, I fall to the ground, soaked in blood.

"Is that all?" Kaze asks as he allows his tornado to fizzle out. "I still have more to teach you."

"Yeah? Well I have a few wind-based tricks up my sleeve that you aren't going to see coming," I smirk back as I push my weakened body off of the ground.

"We'll see about that," Kaze replies. "Air Manipulation: Sky Shuriken!" Kaze raises his palm up a little, forming a couple of dozen mini Sky Shuriken which he flings my way.

"Air Control!: I shout as I emit my Cursed Power into the atmosphere. And by reading the air waves, I perfectly dodge all of Kaze's attacks, without a single scratch. "How's that?" I smirk as I aim the tip of my katana's blade at Kaze.

"Reading the air waves to dodge attacks is nothing special," Kaze replies.

"Then how's this?!" I shout. "Wind Control: Sky God's Katana!" I form my Sky God's Katana around my blade then wrap my wind around my ankles, using the trick I used against Ivy to get in close to Kaze with my Sky God's Katana.

"Condensing your wind to create weapons is nothing special either!" Kaze shouts back as he creates another Sky Shuriken which he brings up to block, as I bring my Sky God's Katana high into the air, slamming it down upon Kaze in a large explosion of wind. Wind on wind.