Mikey vs August, Part 1

"Hmm, Grover used some funky trick to deal with this, I don't know how I'm gonna block this attack," I mutter to myself under my breath as I point a ginger upwards. Above me, my Air Lock begins to thin out, allowing the winds above me to resume asides from a small wind shield, about two feet in diameter and a few feet in the air directly above my head.

This causes Ralph's Valley Shots to begin raining down upon the arena once more, asides from the spot where I'm standing, due to my Air Lock. But when Ralph's Valley Shot makes contact with his Homign Strike, the two attacks simply merge together, forming an extra powerful arrow, which continues flying towards me. And when Ralph's Valley Shot makes contact with his body, rather than piercing it, Ralph's arrows seem to seep back into his body, reverting back into Ralph's golden Cursed Power, and replenishing it.

"My mishap with Grover earlier in the competition was nothing more than a mere foolish blunder!" Ralph begins to monologue as his Homing Strike continues flying towards me. "But now…I know, even better before that…my arrows will never harm me!"

Ralph's Homing Strike continues flying towards me, and I'm forced to think of some sort of defensive technique to counteract this pesky arrow. Without even thinking, I draw my katana again, gripping it tightly with both of my hands, watching as Ralph's Homing Strike continues flying towards me.

"If I just blew it away with my wind, Ralph's arrow will just keep flying towards me, so I need to do this," I say as I emit my Cursed Power into the atmosphere, forming my Air Control barrier, and keeping track of Ralph's arrows movements and size, as well as how fast it's flying, and when it's going to be in my range.

"Now!" I shout.

Once Ralph's arrow is close enough, I take a step forwards, and -with the delicacy of a surgeon- I swing my katana outwards, slicing right through the arrow with extreme precision.

"What the…" Ralph sattamers. "Luis, you just chopped through my arrow?! How'd ya' do that?! It's so skinny!"

"Undodgeable or not, if I destroy it, it doesn't matter either way," I smirk as I aim the tip of my katana's blade at Ralph.

Ralph pauses, thinking for a brief moment. Ralph then must have come up with a good plan, because Ralph's frown curls up into a smirk as fires another arrow into the air, which explodes, sending dozens upon dozens of mini golden Cursed Power arrows raining down on the arena below.

"This trick again? I already know how to deal with this attack!" I exclaim as I turn upwards, facing Ralph's rain of arrows. "Air Control: Air Lock!" I shout as wind begins swirling around my hand, which I trust upwards, sending a powerful gust of wind lying upwards towards Ralph's arrows. But rather than my Air Lock stopping Ralph's arrows, they simply swerve around it, finding gaps in my defenses, and continuing on flying towards me.

"Eh?!" I cry.

Ralph smirks. "Morale Arrow: Valley Shot+Homing Strike!" He shouts.

Ralph's homing arrows then continue flying towards me. Using my Air Control to read their movements, just as before, I attempt to sash through Ralph's arrows. I succeed in slicing through a couple of them, but there are too many arrows to deal with, and Ralph's arrows bypass my defenses, piercing me in the chest, causing me to drop to the ground in a grunt of pain, clutching his bleeding wounds in my body.

"So you're a Rule Breaker now?" Ralph asks.

"Seems like it," I smirk back.

Once Ralph's attack has ended, I jump back up to my feet.

"Wind Control: Sky God's Anklets!" I shout as I prepare my Sky God's Anklets, using it to dash towards Ralph, faster than Ralph can react.

Once in front of Ralph, I leap into the air, bringing my katana high above my head and gripping it tightly between both of my hands, forming a Sky God's Katana. Once I'm on top of Ralph, I swing my katana downwards, falling down upon Ralph as I slash my Wind Blade towards him.


"Crap, how do I block an attack this powerful?!" Ralph cries.

My Sky God's Katana slams into Ralph in an explosion of wind, blood, and dark blue Cursed Power. Ralph howls in pain, as he falls to the floor. When the explosion subsides, Ralph is laying face first on the ground, defeated.

"Slayer Yajiri is unconscious and unable to continue this fight-" the ref begins to say. "And thus…Slayer Fūjin is the winner!"

The audience goes crazy. Especially Ella and my family in the background. I'm sure that Ivy and Lycan are upset. But I ignore all of the cheers and cries and boos from the audience.

"I wonder…how Mikey is doing?"



Mikey stars August down on the opposite end of the arena, who smirks back at Mikey, while also throwing kisses and waving to the cheering crowd. Mikey grits his teeth and clenches his fist. Because he knows that, even for someone of his strength, this match against August is going to be a rough one.

Eventually, the two boys meet each other in the middle of the arena.

Mikey leers at August, as August smirks back at him.

The ref holds his hand out in between August and Mikey. "I want a good, clean fight," the ref begins to say. "Remember, this isn't a fight to the death. Attempts to deliver a fatal blow will cause you to be disqualified."

"I know that you've been looking to face Fūjin in the semi-finals," August begins to say. "Sorry to say this, but I've had my eye on Luis for a while now, too. I'm going to destroy you in this fight, then kick Luis' ass next. That way, I can prove my worth to my mother."

"You know something about Luis, don't you?" Mikey gtrowls, causing August to smirk.

"Maybe I do," he answers. "But I deserve to know. What's it to you? You're no one special."

"That demon is my prey!" Mikey roars.

"Well to get to him, you're going to have to go through me!" August cackles as he splays his arms out to the sides.

"Now…" the ref begins to say as he waves his hand upwards. "Let the fight begin!"

Mikey instantly reaches for his dual pistols and draws them, aiming both of their barrels at August. "Exploding Flame Bullets: Embers!" Mikey shouts as he fires off a volley of flaming bullets at August, who hops out of the way to dodge with a smirk.

"Flesh Clones: Doppelganger!" August shouts as he extends both arms out to his sides. Mounds of flesh begin bubbling out of August's arms, splatting against the ground before molding themselves into two clones of August. 

August's clones rush Mikey, who counters by hopping back as well and shooting them down with another volley of flaming bullets. "Exploding Flame Bullets: Embers!" Mikey shouts. After a few rounds of bullets, August's clones limply flop to the ground, melting back into mounds of flesh.

August extends both arms out to his sides again. Just as before, mounds of flesh bubble out of August's arms, splatting against the ground before molding themselves into even more clones of August. "Exploding Flame Bullets: Embers!" Mikey shouts as he shoots the clones down with another volley of flaming bullets, but August keeps on creating clone after clone, forcing Mikey on the defensive, right on the back.

"Damn, this isn't the best start…" Mikey grumbles to himself as he hops backwards, focusing his gun fire on August's clones, rather than the main body.

But August creates too many clones, so many clones, in fact, that Mikey finds himself overwhelmed, his bullets unable to destroy August's clones faster than August can create them.

"Alright, I'm sick of this!" Mikey snaps as he hops backwards one more time, sticking the barrels of his dual pistols forwards and pressing their two barrels together. "Exploding Flame Bullets: Flamethrower!" Mikey shouts as a huge rush of flames spews out of the barrels of Mikey's pistols, incinerating August's clones, which wither in pain before dropping to the ground as simple mounds of flesh.

After ending his attack, Mikey brings his pistols up to his mouth and blows out the smoke spewing from their barrels.

"Hmm…" Austin grunts as he peers down at his charred-up chunks of flesh.

Mikey then gets into a running position as he aims the barrels of his dual pistols behind him. "Exploding Flame Bullets: Exhaust Pipe!" Mikey shouts as another rush of flames begins spewing out of the barrels of his dual pistols, sending him propelling towards August.

Once in front of August, Mikey brings his right fist up and engulfs it in his pistol's flame. "Fire Fist!" Mikey shouts as he launches his flaming punch towards August.

August counters by bringing his right arm up, pressing his left hand -bubbling with August's red Cursed Power- hand to under his armpit. When August retracts his hand, the flesh of his armpit begins to extend outwards, molding itself into a second muscular, right arm.