She has a plan

earlier 2024

After cler was done with the call she worriedly leaves the ladies restroom holding her phone as many thoughts were going through her mind.

A all sweaty Samuel was busy looking around from head to heads to see if he could find Cler. As she spotted Cler sitting oblivious to her environment he quickly ran towards her.

"Cler, cler are you okay. Have been looking around for you after the meeting. Also have been calling Alex to check on her"

"She is gone"cler said with tear welling up in her sockets


"Follow me"cler immediately pulls his hands and head towards the elevator.

"What do you mean by she is gone" Samuel impatiently as they both get into the elevator.

"She is gone already.she went back there without informing us. Bella called me but I was busy I was also shocked as you when I saw the message and quickly called Bella who confirmed it to me. She has her plans which we do not know of"

Samuel was found dumbstruck. Now he remembers why she was asking for the drugs

"No wonder she was asking for bone repairment drugs"

"You mean she called you yesterday and asked for that?. Wait what does she need those for. Can those drugs be found during that time?"

"No but some herbs could be found there but what does she need bone repairments for"

"!" Cler exclaimed


"She is trying to help my grandpa by healing Dr clement's wife"

Ding the elevator opens to a new depart of the company.

"Who is Dr clement" Samuel asked as they walk towards Alex office

"He is a family doctor to Alexa winfred. It is a l9ng story but to cut it short my grandpa also traveled back in time through that player and so he lost his leg senses as he tried to heal Dr clement's wife who was into an accident. My grandpa was Dr clement"

Samuel slumps on the chair as stare into thin air. He could believe what his ears were hearing. This news was enough to make an headline and the the whole country would be thrown into tantrum.It all depends on those that will believe that time travel is possible.


Alex vacation house

Bella and alexa stares at each other as if they were in a staring contest. Alexa sits comfortably on the couch as she awkwardly scans the room with keen interest.

(What is up with her, hasn't she seen a place like this before. She shouldn't be surprised since she has been at the mansion before) Bella thought to herself 

"What is going on"Alexa asked, her voice laced with desperation. "Why am I here and why can't I remember anything?"

Bella expression changed suddenly but she didnt look away"you are in your vacation house ma'am you came here to get away from everything"

alexa's eyes narrowed "Vacation house? Who are you, why are you here with me"

Bella's expression turned from concern to shock "don't tell me you don' don't remember anything? You don't remember me?"

Alexa nods here head as her brows furrowed "no I don't remember anything, who are you please? And why are you calling me ma'am?"

Bella's eyes darted back and forth searching for answers "but...but last time you were here you remember my name, you know me even though you were shocked to find yourself here you could still remember me"

"Alexa's face remained blank, her eyes pleading for answers "I don't know what you are talking about, I can't remember anything except my name"

Bella's face paled, her eyes wide with disbelief "no this can't be happening, you have to remember something"

"No I can't remember anything, you are confusing me with your words. Few hours ago I woke up in strange bed and a strange room with the view of the ocean and you are telling to remember something?"

"You are also confusing me ma'am, if this is a joke please stop cause it is no longer funny. I expect to ask why you back here not you finding it hard to remember things"

"What do you. You think am joking?, do you really think am joking!" She looks around and dashed to the kitchen counter, grabbed a glass cup and hurled it to the floor shattering it into pieces, she picked up a shard, her hand trembling as she points the tip to her wrist

"I am telling you I don't remember anything" she cried her voice cracking

But as she held the shard, it slipped from her fingers and cuts her hand. Alexa gasped in pain her eyes widening

"Oh my god" she cried, staring at her bleeding hand in horror

Bella rushed to her side, horror etched on her face "oh my god ma'am wjat have you done? let me get the first aid box"

But as Bella turned to grab the firts aid box, Alexa's eyes remained fixed on her hand. And then In a shocking transformation, the cut began to heal before her very eyes, the bleeding stopped, the wound closed and her skin smoothened out leaving no trace of a scar

Alexa's eyes went wide with shock, her mouth agape. "What...what just hap...pened" she stuttered 

Bella's face was equly stunned, her eyes wide with disbelief "I don't know. But...but that was impossible. I...I just turned. You were....just cut and it's gone!"