Keep things from her


Bella paced back and forth in the living room, her phone pressed to her ear. "Miss Cler you won't believe what just happened" she said trying to keep her voice so low so as not to disturb Alexa who was resting in the next room.

"What is it Bella?, did she throw a tantrum?" Cler's voice was calm and soothing on the other end of the line

"Something like that, she did something impossible. She...cuts her hand and then it just....healed. Like, instantly

There was a pause on the other end of the line. "That is not possible Bella are you sure you saw what you think you saw?"

Bella stop pacing and ran her hands through her hair."I am positive miss cler, I also find it hard to believe but I saw it with my own eyes. And is not just that. She doesn't remember anything, she doesn't remember me or how she got here. She only knows her name"

Cler's voice became more serious "Bella I need to hear more about this.but I can't leave right now. I have some critical meetings at the company that I can't miss. Can you keep me updated and we can schedule a call for later tonight"

Bella nodded even though Cler couldn't see her."okay I understand, I will keep you posted but please miss Cler you have to help me figure out what is going on with miss Alexa. Won't it affect ma'am Alex?, what if she also can't remember what she went there for. I don't know what to do".

Cler's voice was reassuring, we would get through this Bella. I promise just keep me updated okay?. Where is she?"

"She is taking a nap. I persuaded to sleep" Bella looks at the bedroom door

"Okay, keep things that can make her panic away from her. Like my gramps diary, we can't let her see that"

"Oh okay. I would do just that"

"Good, take care stop panic too much, okay?"

"Okay" Bella ends the calk as she cleans a drop of sweat from her face even though the air wasn't stuffy.



After a long day at the cafe I closed up shop and walk the short distance home,only 1.5kilometers away.I strode along the side walk, the evening moon lit on my face, my mind still pondering the man's word.

As I approached our small house, I noticed the familiar sight of our family laundry business "Fresh start" with it bright colors and cheerful logo. I push open the door AMD the familiar smell of detergent and fabric softener enveloped me.

Inside, her mother wads folding clothes her hands moving deftly as she worked. My father's sister, aunty Mary, was helping her, their laughter and chatting filling the room.

"Am home"

Mrs smith looks up with a smile on her face

"Oh welcome dear. How was work?. Why do you look dejected? Did you have any problem with the customers?"

"No mum, instead I got this" I handed the envelope mother, her eyes scanning the contents as her expression turned thoughtful, my aunt was also interested in the content.

"Sweetheart, this could be an opportunity for you" she said her voice soft and encouraging."your father would want you to take care of his legacy"

"What so you want me to go back to the people that killed father. I can't believe you are supporting this"

"Dear" she drops the clothes on the couch and stood up holding Alexa's hand."stop listening to your heard but your heart"she points to my heart.

"I know you really dispise them but this is a way to show them that you are a fighter and you are never backing down"

"Yes that is true" aunty Mary chip in "you may not know, you may find the truth"

"Yes dear. Please do it for us"

I hesitated still unsure, but their word struck a chord.maybe it was time I reconsider my stance and embrace the smiths legacy. This also was a part of my plans why do I need to avoid it?

"Okay, I will take it"

"You will?"aunty Mary asked happily 

I nodded like an agama lizard"yes"

We all burst into a cheerful laugh

"Uhhhm uhhhh, where are groceries?" Mum asked looking around 

"Ouch, I forgot"

"Silly girl. don't know I knew you were probably shocked by the letter. By the way how did you get the letter?"

"Uhh one Mr Reginald Reg came to the cafe to talk to me"

"Reg?" Aunty Mary asked

"Yes Reg, you know him?"

Mrs Smith voice softened "Yes he was one of your Father's friend at the company. And he is the only left who still hasn't join the rivals, I don't know about others but his trust is still solid"

"That is reassuring"