Lost but found

2024 vacation house

The day began with a golden sun rising on the horizon. Bella kept herself busy after breakfast, making mental notes of the groceries she needed to pick up.

Alexa, still struggling to recall her past, watched from the window as Bella drive away. Seizing the opportunity, Alexa snuck out of the house, curious about the world outside.

As she walked down the streets Alexa's eyes widened in wonder. Throwing electronic billboards flashed vibrant colors and messages, while people of small ages stared intent at small, glowing rectangles in their hands. Cars whizzed out, some with drivers , others. without

Alexa's gaze lingered on a group of teenagers laughing and chatting. They welcomed her with smiles and she hesitantly joined them. They introduced themselves as Jake, Emily and Christopher and Alexa found herself opening up about her memory loss indirectly.

Meanwhile, Bella returns from grocery shopping oblivious to Alexa's adventures. As she unpacked the bags, she wondered where Alexa might be. Little did she know Alexa was making new friends and also discovering the marvels of 2024.

As they strolled through the bustling street, Jake, Emily, Christopher and Alexa decided to treat themselves to icecream cones. They settled on a street bench, savouring the sweet treats. Alexa gazed at Chris's phone, mesmerized by the endless scrolling.

"what is so fascinating about that tiny window to the world. I have a friend who also cant stop scrolling on it" Alexa asked nodding towards the phone.

Chris chuckled "just scrolling through social media, you know the usual"

Alexa's eyes widened,"you mean it's like a magic crystal ball that shows you what everyone else is doing, except for the part that makes you feel like a sloth or a loser"

The group burst into laughter. Emily giggled "that's actually pretty accurate"

Jake grinned "yeah, social media can be a real trip"

Alexa took a lick of her icecream cone, her eyes sparkling with mischief "i'm starting to think, i am better off without memories. I mean, who needs the past when you have...whatever this is" she waved her hands at the phone.

The group erupted into laughter again, and Chris high-fived Alexa. "You are a natural at this modern stuff"

Emily with wide smiles "i like her already, she is not like my sister that nags me all the time. You are more mature than my sister"

"Oh don't say that about your sister. That's a wrong thing to do" Alexa chuckled.

"Do you live around here" Jake asked as he much on his cone.

"Yes i do, i live not far from...." Alexa's eyes widened in panic as she realized she'd been out for hours. "Oh no! I've got to get back. Bella would be worried sick!" she looks around disoriented "but i don't know the way back..."

Jake noticed her distress "hey we can help you find your way. Where are you staying?"

Alexa, hesitated, unsure how much to reveal, "i'm at a vacation house....with Bella, my...uh friend"

Emily nodded, "Don't worry, we would help you find your way back. But first, let's take a selfish to remember this epic adventure"

As they snapped a photo, Alexa anxiety grew

, "Guys i really need to find Bella. She'll think i've... I've vanished".

Meanwhile, back at the vacation house, Bella was fractically pacing. She'd called cler worried that Alexa had run away. "Miss clear, i've searched the whole house, i'm really scared...."

Clear trued to calm her down. "Stay calm clear, maybe she went for a swim, a walk or followed you. She'll turn. She can't make any rational decision since she is not used to that environment"

But Bella knew Alexa would not wander off without telling her. She trapped her phone and rushed out to ask their neighbors if they had seen Alexa.

"Excuse me, have you seen this person" Bella showed them the photo of Alex on her phone.

One of the neighbor shook his head, "no haven't seen her"

"Thank you" Bella said as she moved to another group of people on the street.

"Excuse me please, have you seen anyone looking like this?" Bella asked again

"Sorry haven't seen her. But i did see some kids with ice cream cones earlier when i went out to get something...maybe they have seen her"

Bella's heart skipped a beat "kids with ice cream cones. Which way were they headed?"

As the neighbor pointed down the street, Bella took off in a sprint with her phone clutched in her hand... Bella rushed down the streets, her eyes scanning the crowds whether she can see a glimpse of Alexa. She eventually laid eyes on a group of kids with ice cream cones and hurried towards them.

"Excuse me kids, have you seen this person?" Bella showed the picture on her phone.

Jake, Emily and Christopher exchanged glances, "yeah, she is with us!" Jake said. "We were just helping her find her way"

Bella's fave lit up with relief, "oh thank gpodness, i was really worried"

Alexa with a new ice cream come smiled sheepishly, "sorry Bella, i didn't mean to worry you, i just got a bit turn around. I got lost and now you found me"

Bella rushed over to Alexa, hugging her tightly. "I'am just glad you are safe, let's get you back home"

"Oh okay. Thanks guys for the chat and also the ice cream!"

"It was a pleasure for us. We would love to see you again" Emily replied with a toothy smile.

As they walk back to the vacation house, the kids said their goodbyes and promised to meet up again soon. Bella watch them go, grateful for their kindness.

Once they were back inside, Bella turned to Alexa with a stern expression. "Next time, please tell me before you go exploring. I was worried sick!"

Alexa nodded still licking her ice cream cone."I promise, Bella. And thanks for worrying about me. It's nice to know that someone cares".

Bella smiles softening. "Ofclurse i care, you are my....friend"

Alexa's eyes sparkled with mischiefs, "and maybe more than friends...someday"

Bella's face turned bright as she quickly changed the subject "let's get you settled in. We have a big day tomorrow".