
After a successful meeting at the board room, a little party was organised for the success of laughing the new project, ofcourse Alexa wouldn't be left out as the account t was given to her to make amends and developed it. The smiths with large smiles on their face didn't hesitate to shake hands with Victor and other big business mogul investing in the company. Slow music plays as people chatter and laugh. Work for that day closed early so as to celebrate this new project and also to start off early. Like they would say 'the earlier, the better'.

Alexa quickly left due to a slight headache all thanks to working late and thinking overnight. She swore she rarely experience this, maybe because she has an assistance. (How is she faring with cler as the new ceo) this were all the thoughys circling her mind before the elevator clings open. Her heels clicking on the pavement didnt go unnoticed by the few workers who had one or two things to do.

"Who is that?, have never seen her before. Is she a newbie?" A blonde lady almost the same age as Alexa asked

"That's miss Alexa. She is a newbie but i heard she is a new shareholder liaision"

"A new shareholder?. Wow she is still so young. I really admire her"

"She is the talk of the company nowadays and her four days here really shook us off the ground. Only God knows what more she is bringing"

"I think am starting to like her. Well tomorrow is a new day fora fresh start. Have you seen the files? I need to give it to my dad before he leaves"

At the exit

"Goodnight ma'am" the security guard from the day earlier greeted Alex.

(Why does he call me ma'am, he is much older than me)

"Yesterday you were saying something before the elevator opened and you couldn't complete it" Alex asked as she moved closer to him.

"I was?"

Alex was confused "yes you were"

With a big smile "am sorry but i cant remember"

The other security guard came closing in.

"Goodnight ma'am" he said again as he quickly leaves.

(Whats wrong with him. He remembers long working years but didnt remember what he was saying yesterday?)

"That is absurd" she wave down a cab, gets in and gave the direction to her house.



With a big yawn, alexa woke up to the aroma of scrabbled eggs and toast bread with a nice cup of tea.

"Good morning! O my God am so hungry" alexa yelled as she jumped on one of the chairs in the kitchen.

"Well i got you covered. Have you tried out your new phone?"

"My phone? Oh yeah my phone! I was too tired to get used to it"

Bella smiles "i know that feeling. After breakfast we should go shopping. You know buy some new clothes, shoes and also have a great time explain the city"

"That's would be fun. Can't wait anymore" she sneaks a bread into clothe.

"I saw you. That would be a minus from your bread"Bella yelled as Alexa ran away


As the entered the clothing mall. Alexa's eyes widened in awe."This is incredible!, so many stalls and styles to choose from"

Bella laughed, "welcome to 2024, we have a lot to catch up on"

moving on to the shoe mall, Alexa tried on heels and sneakers, twirling in front of the mirror. "I feel like a new person"

Bella became alarm with the statement. "But you are the same, same as always. Don't be enticed by the shoes"

Next, they headed to the clothing section, where alexa modeled various outfits. The staff couldn't help but stare, mesmerized by her confidence and poise.

"Who is that lady?"one of them whispered. "She looks familiar..."

As they made their way to the make up section, Alexa picked up a lip gloss and applied it. Suddenly, her eyes locked onto the picture of the packaging - a woman who looked identical to her.

Alexa's eyes narrowed trying to remember. "Bella, who is this?"

But before Bella could respond. Alexa's face contorted in pain. she clutched her head, overwhelmed by a cacophony of radioactive waves and visions.

"No...no...this cant be happening" Alexa whispered her eyes flashing with terror.

Bella rushed to her side, trying to calm her down. "Alexa! Are you okay. Stay calm!"

But it was too late. Some memories came flooding back - the stretcher, the operating room, the blood stained hands.

"Jason...oh God, jason!" Alexa screamed collapsing into Bella's hands.

Bella quickly paid for their purchases and alexa was rushed into car by one of the guards, concern etched on her face "let's get you home now".