Promise Made


Hentwath Hospital

"Good morning, please i would like to know if Doctor Clement is around?"

"Dr Clement? Do you have an appointment with him?"

"Uhhhm to tell the truth No, but i really wish to see him"

"Am sorry ma'am you can't see him since you do not have an appointment, i can book an appointment for you but it wouldn't be today and i cant assure you tomorrow" the nurse at the counyer replied

Looking at the name tag on the nurse's uniform. "Please Miss Jody i really need to see him. Not just for him but for someone am trying to save"

With a worried frown "okay i will see what i can do just for the person you are trying to save. Give me a minute" she picks the telephone on the counter and dialed a few numbers.

"Good morning Mr Clement, their's a lady here at the counter who would like to see you"

"No she doesn't have an appointment"

"have told her but she insist she jas to see ypu because of someone she has to save"

"Hold on sir, ma'am what's your name?"

"Alexa smith" Alexa replied

"Alexa Smith sir"

After a few seconds

"He's not busy. You are free to go. Take the first stairs, turn by the left side at the end walk straight to the second stair turn right at the right also his office would be the first one to reach. Dr Clement C. Is the name on the address plate"

"Thank you so much" Alex smiled as she made her way for the stairs.

Knock knock

"Come in"was the male voice heard from the office.

With a squeak, the door opens, and Alex was met with a view of A Middle age man man flipping through some files with his glasses. The breeze blows in from the window shaking the curtains and the coat hunged on the rack. Stockpiles of files and document were not hard to see sitting on the shelves and cabinets.

With a hum Alex gaze fell on Dr Clement who was staring at her.

"Am sorry sir, just mesmerized by the sight of your office. I am Alexa Smith. Am sorry i came unannounced but tbis is very important"

"We've met before?"

"Yes, you diagnosed my mother confirming it was leukemia. Mrs Joyce smith"

"Am trying to recall, have your seat please. Ah aha ha oh now i remember your mother was brought here not too long ago after she fainted am i right. You were the lady who also fainted after you heard the news about your mother's pridicament"

With an awkward smile "yes sir that must be me"

"So how is your mother, is she here? Is everything okay?"

"Yes sir everything is fine. I came here for another reason. Am sorry to say this but i came here for your wife"

Dr. Clement's smile dropped "my wife. How do you know my wife?"

"It's really conplicated right now, i can't tell you how i know but the little i know of i wish i could help. I know you've been trying alot to make her recover from her accident but i think i have a cure"

With a dumbfound stare (how does she know my wife is crippled)

"I know you may be wondering how i knew like i said it is really complicating, i don't know what may happen if i tell you the whole truth, but i owe your wife and someone else a favour. You don't have to risk you bone marrow cause i have a cure"

"So what you telling me now, is that somehow you knee of my wife predicament and now you found a cure? I know many youths joke around but you've taken this too far. Am calling the security" picking his telephone.

"You jave to believe me. Please do this for your wife" after she sees that he's not paying attention to her.

"Age:68, 2 years left to retire. You wife Mrs Clamentine Clement age 62, was a baker before she had the accident. You have three sons and a daughter. Right now your cousin lives with you to take care of her. The only way to save her is to perform a surgery by removing your bone marrow to perform the surgery on her. Please you have to believe me"

"Hello Dr. Clement is everything okay. Do you need our help?" The security on the phone called out

"Don't worry have got everything under control. Sorry for the trouble. oh before you go, can you tell Sharon to get me a good cup of coffee with two sugars"

"Okay.two sugars?"

"Yes two sugars"

After a minute of silence or two, Dr. Clement's voice broke out. Where did you get all this information. Are you a stalker or what?

"You don't have ti know where i got it from but please don't rusk your legs. I have the cure right here" she brought out a plastic bag showing the name of a pharmacy.

"As a doctor you may not advice herbal medicines but trust me, it's going to work. It contains comfrey, Arnica and willow bark all from nature no extra nothing high nothing less"

"And you believe i have not tried medicines that contain this" he points to the bag

"Those medicines were refined but these are gotten from nature"

"Hummmmm" Dr.Clement sighs


"We've got our eyes on her, she is just coming out from the hospital"

"Okay make sure you keep an eye on her, i need to know who she talks to, the person she met, i need full details if you want your pay in full" the voice from the end of the call could be heard.

"Yes boss. We would get it done" call ends

"I pray it works. Please dont fail me"Alex said as she steps out of the hospital before waving down a taxi and giving the driver the address of her next stop"