Meeting The Roommate

Jules' pov

As I rode the elevator to the floor where my dorm was at, Taylor and Josh rode it along with me. Turns out that Taylor stays on the same floor as myself, while Josh stays in a different block but had decided to come along with us because he had nothing better to do.

When I arrived here yesterday, it had been evening time, and because of the entire thing on my mind, I was unable to notice the sheer exquisite setting of the entire place. The dorms rooms were like mini houses and I felt awed as I stepped out of the elevator and began to walk down the spaced hallway

"Here, you don't have to worry about predators giving you a hard time because they don't stay on the same block as us!" Taylor gushed at me while waving at a bunch of omegas walking past us.

When I stopped in front of my dorm, I expected Taylor and Josh to bid me goodbye and head over to his own room to go hang out together, but they waited behind me, clearly waiting for me to get the door open. It was at the tip of my tongue to ask them to leave, because I wasn't used to having people stick with me like this, apart from my siblings.

I also wished I could spend some time alone after the kind of day I've had today, just so I could cry my eyes out because every part of my body and heart hurts. But I decided against it because I didn't want them to take it the wrong way. And besides, I appreciate them sticking with me, because without Taylor, I wonder how I'd have gone through the whole of today.

I swiped the school ID over the door and it opened in a flash. Taylor stepped in before me and whistled as he glanced around the entire place. After closing the door after us, I turned around and was shocked out of my skin to see the entire place reinovated.

Last night, the sitting area had been quite plain, but right now, it was fully renovated and was dripping in nothing but luxury.

Taylor glanced at me and wiggled his eyebrows. "You know I had a feeling you came from money, cause, you know, it was already a given seeing that you got accepted into the school on such short notice, but I didn't know it was to this extent." Taylor mused as he regarded the gaming consoles and the fully set up gaming compartment at the left side of the sitting room. Josh was fiddling with the remote of the large flat screen hanging off the wall.

I opened my mouth and snapped it shut because I had no idea what to say to that.

Andrian must have sent all these things over this morning.

The question was… why?

I was already prepared to live life here like a peasant only for him to stock this entire place up.

I didn't even know how to play games!

Taylor was going through the games while whistling. "Man, am I gonna be spending so much time here."

Josh breathed out a laugh. He was seated on one of the large, leather couches while flicking through hundreds of stations at once. "You bet." He responded.

I let my eyes fall close and I breathed out a long sigh.

Great. Just great.

This is exactly what I need.

I exited the sitting room and headed for the kitchen.

Yes, there's a kitchen in this dorm. I wasn't joking when I said it was just like a house!

The fridge was fully stocked to the brim, as well as the entire cabinets. I pulled out some drinks and snacks and handed them to Taylor and Josh who accepted them happily. Josh had finally settled on something to watch, while Taylor was already playing a game which he was already fully engrossed in.

After downing a bottle of water and checking in with my uninvited guests once again, I was about to head to my bedroom when the sound of the door opening made me pause and turn around.

In a few moments, a boy who looked like he was only an inch taller than I am, stepped into the dorm. He was combing his fingers through his hair and he looked pretty worked up. There were red marks littered over his neck and his shirt was only buttoned halfway.

He was also limping.

When he noticed my presence, a grimace settled on his flawless looking face.

"Great, just great. An obnoxious roommate who's being fattened by daddy's money." He hauled at me with a sneer as he walked past the sitting room after glancing at it with pursed lips. He headed into the kitchen and ruminated through the fridge.

"Where the hell are my beverages? What did you do to them and why is the entire fridge filled with a bunch of nonsense which isn't mine?" He demanded and I winced.

There goes my hope of me praying to get a nice roommate.

I trudded into the kitchen after him and massaged my head as I spoke. "I don't know where your stuff is, I'm sorry about them. I wasn't the one who stocked up the fridge, so I don't know…"

"Of course you weren't the one! Who'd expect daddy's beloved son to soil his dainty hands doing something like that?" He demanded and I frowned at him while wondering if I'd unknowingly done something wrong to him.

I pursed my lips. "I can pay for your stuff which has probably been thrown away. Look, I don't know why you're so mad, but…"

"You're the reason I'm mad! You rich kids who feel like the world belongs to you just because you come from money. Your father didn't have to renovate the entire sitting room in a single day but he did, probably to mark your territory here. The sitting room has been turned upside down and I don't know where any of my stuff is. Are you forgetting that we both own the sitting room and this kitchen?" He was breathing hard by the time he was done speaking and I wasn't sure of how to respond.

I bit on my bottom lip and breathed out a long sigh. This is the last thing I need right now.

Before I could say anything else, he was storming past me and heading into his bedroom to slam the door shut.