Getting Ready

Jules' pov

The look on Taylor's face wasn't an impressed one as he looked me up and down while I struggled to blink most of the sleep from my eyes. I was still massaging my fingers into my eyelids when Taylor spoke up again.

"Jules, why aren't you dressed yet?" He demanded and I blinked at him in confusion.

"What?" I mumbled through a yawn which I covered with the back of my palm at the last moment. Taylor regarded me for a moment longer and rolled his eyes before politely shoving past me into the dorm, accompanied by Josh.

I yawned once again as I closed the door behind me. I was about to drag myself back to the bedroom in order to fall back asleep but Taylor prevented that from happening.

"Why are you guys dressed and why are you here?" I asked after a few moments after leaning against a wall.

Taylor folded his arms and gave me a narrowed look. "Don't tell me you aren't going to the party."

I blinked at him in confusion once again. "What party?" I inquired, having never heard of any supposed party until right now.

"A welcome back party, duh. Since we all just returned back to school. It was right there in the group chat last night, don't tell me you aren't aware." He explained and I let out a small 'oh' sound. I had just gotten a phone this afternoon and wasn't even aware of any kind of group chat until right now.

"What kind of party is that?" I asked while my mind longed for my bed. I wasn't interested in this conversation right now, I just wanted to return back to bed. Having been unable to get any sleep for the past couple of days, now that the sleep finally arrived, it was tugging on all of my brain cells at once.

"A typical party, you know? Just a normal party." He explained and the expression on his face indicated that he genuinely expected me to understand what he meant. We never threw parties back at my school, except graduation ceremonies and parents and students, and that certainly doesn't happen at night time.

"What happens in this kind of party?" I asked after a few moments.

"You know, the usual. Alcohol, drugs, sex and the likes! It's usually fun though and I know you'd love it." As he explained, my cheeks colored at the mention of 'sex' and I averted my gaze while clearing my throat.

"Er, that sounds nice but I think I'm gonna skip it." I murmured. The party doesn't sound like fun, it sounded like a bad idea. After the entire thing I've been through in the school today, I wasn't sure I want to be around those same students tonight when I could be getting some much needed sleep.

"Why not?" Josh called out from the large couch in the sitting room. He had flicked the television on and was watching some random looking show at the moment.

I bit at the inside of my mouth as most of the sleep cleared from my head even more. I shrugged my shoulders even though Josh wasn't staring at me right now.

"I don't know, I just don't think it's something I'm up for." I finally admitted. Taylor rolled his eyes and single couch at the side of the room.

"Why not? It would be fun and you'd get to loosen up." He continued and I found myself contemplating on it once again.

I scratched the back of my head for a moment as I spoke. "I don't think that kind of party is something I'm up for though." I huffed out and Taylor perked up.

"What kind of party do you usually attend?" He inquired.

Well, for one, I loved balls. There's a bunch of balls which I'm completely obsessed with. Masquerade balls, winter balls, balls thrown by fairies, and many others.

But, I couldn't possibly mention any of these things to him.

And so I pursed my lips as I spoke. "I guess one that isn't too wild."

Taylor clapped his hands excitedly. "That means you'd love tonight's party. It's certainly not gonna be something too wild, I'm sure."

When I still remained silent, he got to his feet and closed the distance between us till he had cupped my hands in his. "Trust me, Jules. You're gonna love it."

Even though there was honesty dancing in his eyes and along with his eagerness to have him accompany them to the party, I still found myself hesitating.

When I attempted to come up with another excuse, Taylor held a finger against my mouth. "Don't bother coming up with another excuse. You're coming with us and we'll all stick together throughout. You'd certainly gonna love it, you'll see."

He murmured and I slowly nodded my head in response. Once he pulled away, he placed his hands on his waist while regarding me thoroughly.

"Want me to come help you figure out something to wear?" He asked but I hastily declined with an abrupt shake of my head. "I don't think that's necessary. I'll freshen up and he out here in no time."

I promised as I rushed into my bedroom and closed the door behind me.


When I stepped out of my bedroom, Taylor's eyes lingered on my choice of top. It was a black, long sleeve turtleneck paired with a pair of dark jeans and black Chelsea boots, all of which just got stocked in my extremely big wardrobe this morning on Andrian's order.

"You could have worn a top showing a little skin but this works, I guess, since it's highlighting your tiny waist effortlessly." He pointed out and color flooded my cheeks when Josh glanced at said waist at once.

"It really is ridiculously tiny." Josh commented and I rushed into the kitchen to drink some water.

When we all finally stepped out, I took my phone and my ID along with me. As we rode the elevator together, Taylor chose to remind me that predators were gonna be present as well, which I had already figured, it was the main reason why I refused to attend the party in the first place.

Once we were on the first floor, I noticed that we were walking in the left direction after walking straight ahead for while.

"Where is this party taking place at?" I asked as I shoved my hands into my pockets.

"It's taking place in the special student's territory. They're the ones throwing this party."