The Initiation [2]

Jules' pov

My heart hammered against my ribs and it felt like I'd pass out.

Kim smiled broadly and waved at the applauding crowd, whose roar only grew in waves. It was clear that Kim was adored and respected by everyone who was screaming his name at the top of their lungs. I glanced into the crowd but couldn't make out any faces in it because every other light had been turned off except for the spotlight directly shining down on Kim and I.

Someone got on the stage and handed Kim a microphone, causing me to scoff under my breath. All of this seemed like a huge waste of time, I'd rather be in my room trying to come up with new plans on how to befriend Xander, or I could currently be catching up on the long hours of sleep that my body needs.

Instead, I was currently stuck in this dumb initiation party which I genuinely couldn't wait for to be over.

Kim was saying something into the mic, all of which I didn't catch because I hadn't been listening. When he handed the mic to me, I stared at him in panic, not understanding that meant.

"Introduce yourself to your brothers-to-be." He whispered encouragingly and I swallowed emptily as I tentatively accepted the mic. I was a shy person who didn't do well around crowds since I could remember because I had always felt inferior to others ever since I was smart enough to understand that I was different from others.

I cleared my throat after a few seconds, my throat felt tight from nerves but I worked past it and began to introduce myself.

"Hi everyone. Uh… I'm Jules." I spoke into the mic, wincing at how loud my voice sounded. I was certain that the crowd could tell how nervous I am from just one look at my face.

From the side of my eyes, I noticed a few omegas carrying a bunch of stuff up the stage, and as soon as I realized that they were organizing a scenery which I was supposed to get myself off at, I found it hard to get another word out.

Kim leaned into my side, a smile still glued on his face as he urged me to tell the crowd a little bit more about me. After trying to get another word out and failing woefully, I ended up shaking my head and handing the mic back to Kim who accepted it with a smile still on his face, although I noted the annoyance in his eyes now.

He said a few things into the crowd before announcing that my initiation ritual was about to begin. At once, my heart began to thumb against my ribs once again. I wanted to scream for help, to be saved from this situation, but I knew I was gonna have to carry out this supposed ritual no matter what.

As Kim wished me luck and walked off the stage, the two tall omegas who had previously led me to their leaders arrived and they led me to the middle of the stage where a table was sitting along with two different types of couches.

"Just take a pick of your choice and hop on it, then… get yourself off." The first omega explained and I bit on my lip, while trying to hide the shakiness of my hands.

The second omega gave me a long look through his sunglasses before speaking.

"If you're the typical pillow princess who can't get yourself off by yourself, I'm certain one of the omegas in the crowd will be happy to help you, all you have to do is to ask for help." The omega explained and then he was walking off the stage with his partner, leaving me to my plight.

I remain frozen in the same spot. The entire crowd was silent and I could feel their eyes on me.

Were they thinking about how pathetic I looked right now? About how dumb and basic I looked? About how I was unnecessarily making something like this into a big deal?

I swallowed emptily and numbly made my way to the closest couch and sank into it. I stared into the crowd once again, through the sea of darkness before averting my gaze and trying to slow my heartbeat down and at the same time also trying to block out the fact that I was currently being watched by hundreds of eyes, all waiting for me to start getting off.

Was that even supposed to be hot? Why would anyone want to watch another person get off? The thought alone was so disturbing, it made my head spin.

I've never done this before, never even considered trying to get myself off, despite how curious I sometimes was, and that was because I never felt good about myself to that extent. And besides, when constantly hating one's self, getting yourself off would be the last thing on your mind.

The fact that this would be the first time I'd be attempting this made me annoyed but it was pretty pointless to dwell on that right now, I thought to myself as I unbuttoned my pants with shaky hands. As each buttons popped open, excited hoots went through the crowd, and it made me flinch because I had almost succeeded in tuning them out, but now they were back at the front of my mind.

I sucked in a deep breath and carefully slipped my hand into my pants, wincing as another cheer went through the crowd, proving once again that the people in the crowd needed mental help.

I held my breath as I slipped my hand lower while trying not to dwell on the fact that I was weird and different from every other boy.

Every other boy I've ever encountered had penises, they had dicks, and I had, well… certainly not a penis.

How would the entire crowd react should they see what's inside my pants? Would they still be interested in seeing me get off or would they all make fun of me like my classmates in school a decade ago had done.

I sucked in a deep breath and slipped my hand lower even more, recoiling internally as my fingers grazed the softness of my inner thighs.

I wasn't sure of exactly how I was supposed to start getting myself off.

I slowly moved my hand upwards, breath hitched and heart pounding hard. Moments later, a murmur went through the crowd, causing me to tense up even more, because I thought they were all mumbling to themselves about how dumb I was acting, but after a few seconds, I realized what had actually happened.

His scent hit me from nowhere, clouding my senses and clogging my nose up, causing my entire body to tremble as I breathed the sharp sandalwood scent in.

It was Blaze. He has suddenly arrived here.