The Trip

Jules' pov

The trip which everyone but me was looking forward to, finally commenced today.

It's apparently gonna last for two weeks and I wasn't looking forward to it one bit. My only consolation was that I'd be able to leave the premises.

Meanwhile Taylor was bursting with excitement and I was putting on an act for him.

He offered to help me with packing but I declined. It didn't take me that long to pack everything I needed for the trip, and as I pulled my box out of the room to the sitting room, I found my roommate in the kitchen, downing a can of drink. His box was in the sitting room as well, and for a fleeting moment, I considered striking a conversation with him because it still rubs me off the wrong way that we're both roommates but aren't on great terms.

But before I could speak, he was leveling me a scathing look, one which caused me to huff and roll my eyes.