Roommate With The Monster

Jules' pov

I sucked in a deep breath while willing my heart to stop racing.

I was standing right in front of the closed door of the room which I'm supposed to be sharing with Blaze, of all people. I had been standing here for over five minutes, feeling crippled at the thought of knocking on the door.

I knew I'd have to knock at a point because I couldn't stay out here forever.

The room was at the far end of the fourth floor, in a completely secluded area, like the room was purposely placed away from the rest of the rooms.

That made me gulp as I tried to stop my hand from shaking.

'You can do it, Labyrinth.'

I whispered to myself as I sucked in another breath before tentatively knocking on the door.

It seems like I hadn't knocked hard enough, because I didn't get a response.