Playing Tennis

Jules' pov

I had my eyes squeezed shut as I puffed out strained breaths from my nose and mouth. My left hand clutched my stomach where the tennis ball had hit, and my right hand was still around the tennis bat. The team had suggested we start practicing today so we can all know our strong and weak members.

When I blinked my eyes open, I glanced sideways and my gaze locked with Blaze, and he looked very furious, causing me to gulp timidly.

Blaze glanced at the other side of the field, towards where the predator who had purposely targeted the ball at my stomach was snickering with his friends. As soon as the predators noticed Blaze's gaze, they all tensed up at once, laughter drying up.

Blaze remained silent and moments later, I repositioned myself and gripped the tennis bat with two hands again, eyes trained on the ball which packed more strength than it looked.