Hanging Out

Jules' pov

I was sitting cross legged on the grass with Taylor and Josh, and I tried not to give anything away with my face as I recounted a summary of what had transpired between us.

The evening was cool, the atmosphere was very pretty, and after Taylor suggested we all hang out, I agreed almost immediately because I had missed hanging out with them even though I literally saw them yesterday morning.

"Did he really make it possible for you to skip the competition which the school said was compulsory?" Taylor repeated, eyes wide with surprise and I nodded my head in response.

"He said he was gonna take care of it." I mumbled and Taylor sequeled and then he leaned towards me.

"So, are you guys really fated mates?" He asked, face lit up with blatant curiosity.

"I- I think so." I breathed out, cheeks coloring a little when Taylor and Josh made awed noises.