You Should Be Scared

Jules' pov



      My eyes widened at his question. I felt so taken aback, that was the last thing I expected him to say.


"What?" I whispered and he snorted as he walked over the fridge and retrieved a drink which he opened and chugged a few mouthfuls from before speaking again.


"It's not something you should be afraid of admitting. It's alright if you're afraid of it."


My eyes widened even more and I carefully set the bowl of chips down to avoid mistakenly spilling its content.


When I turned around, Blaze was standing a few inches away from me. His eyes were significantly darker than they were a few minutes ago, and I wondered if the shade of his eyes changes with his emotions.


"I'm not scared of your powers, blaze." I finally spoke, while making sure to appear extremely honest, like I actually feel.