Take A Seat

Jules pov 



       "Kim?" I repeated, and it took a few seconds for me to remember.


"Oh. Kim." I breathed out, eyes widening and heart starting to pound against my ribs.


I had literally forgotten about him, because I believed he was gonna get killed as well. 


After the principal got killed, I could remember Blaze telling Kim that he was gonna stay with the principal's dead body and was gonna tell a lie to the people who were supposed to come get me. Blaze had told him he'd have to stay behind and to come to him if he gets given another assignment which would undoubtedly involve me.


Blaze brushed and rinsed his mouth and after putting his brush away, he turned towards me and pulled me into his chest once again, my back to his chest. 


"He's coming over in a bit. I wonder what shit he's gonna come with." He mused, hands sliding around my waist again.