
Jules' pov 



       I couldn't sit still.


I was nervous as hell. Blaze had insisted on dropping me off at Andrian's office and that was making me extremely nervous, for reasons which I couldn't place my fingers on.


When Blaze and I made our way to the car, Roy was in the front seat. It was like somehow, he knew the air between Blaze and I wasn't the way it was throughout our ride here. All he took was a single glance at Blaze's face and that was it.


He didn't try to tease me or make any comment, only asking Blaze where he wanted to go. 


Blaze asked me to give Roy the address and after I did that, silence began to stretch out between us, one which was interrupted by my shaking legs because I just couldn't sit still.


I wondered what was happening back at home, and if people actually believed that I managed to murder a whole lot of powerful magical beings.