What’s So Special About You?

Jules' pov



      "Where do you think you're going?" One of the omegas demanded with a sneer plastered across his face and I let out another sigh.


I seriously didn't have the strength for this today.


"Please move out of the way." I finally breathed out while staring at them.


I watched as they slowly looked at each other before bursting into laughter like I had just cracked the greatest joke ever.


When they kept on laughing after a few seconds, I decided to walk past them, but they abruptly stopped laughing and came to stand before me, blocking my way once again.


"Can I help you with something?" I demanded and they all exchanged glances once again. 


"Actually, yes. You actually can." The omega in the middle of the group responded this time. It's the omega who had been in Xander's arms this morning. It seemed like this was the leader of this ridiculous clique.