
Jules' pov 




       I stood before the door and tentatively knocked on the door while my heart pounded away. I was beyond nervous, and it was because of a lot of things, not just one thing.


The highest reason on that list being because of how we had parted ways today at early noon. Whereby I had heard into Andrian's office hoping that I'd get some sort of permission and reassurance from him that it was alright for me to confide in Blaze and come clean to him. I didn't count on him asking me to do the complete opposite of that.


Which was why I was really nervous right now, because I didn't know how I'm gonna act in his presence, especially after he called me out about hiding something from me and me apologizing to me. Now, I couldn't try to take that back and claim that I'm not hiding anything from him, he's never gonna buy that, he's way too smart to believe that.