The Truth

Jules' pov



      Blaze stared at me silently without saying anything at first. His other hand came up and framed the side of my face and I felt my heart flutter away in my chest as I blinked at him.


"You don't have to, bunny." He finally announced, and I felt my heartbeat accelerate again, mind starting to panic on reflex.


"Not until you're ready, okay? You shouldn't do this because you're sorry for not trusting me or because you want me to forgive you. I wasn't mad at you to begin with." He explained, sounding sincere and voice soft. Everything he was saying felt like it was tugging at my heartstrings as it replayed again in my head.


I bit on my bottom lip for a few moments before finally letting out a long exhale, and then I began to speak.


"But I do want to tell you though." I admitted, because it was nothing but the truth.