"Oh my goodness." I whispered, staring in shock and completely frozen as I gaped at the scene before me.
Elsa, my daughter, was grinning, and she had her nanny and caretaker suspended in the air with magic. When the nanny groaned, I snapped out of it and flicked my wrist and settled her down on her feet safely before turning a disappointed look on my child.
She flopped against the couch and sighed hard before sliding off.
"We're talked about this, haven't we?" I said softly as I went into the room to stand before her. At two years, Elsa could be mistaken for four years old. She was born three months earlier and was a mixture of myself and Blaze, so she had two sides of magic, which made her ridiculously powerful for her age.
Before she could respond, a figure materialized in the room, grinning evilly and I didn't need to look know that it was Elias, Elsa's twin and elder brother.