The Aftermath

Accompanying the defeat of the dark wizard and the distribution of the mystery that had endangered to overwhelm the Murim experience, Mei and her helpers establish themselves confronted accompanying the disheartening task of restoring and restorative the land.

Afterward of the ending conflict, they busy from center to suburb, contribution aid and support to those the one had existed concerned for one disorder and devastation created for one wizard's dark forces.

Together, they processed continuously to repair the damage precipitated apiece conflict, repairing hometowns and societies from the very beginning. Accompanying each passing era, the scars of ancient times started to vanish, having another in its place for one promise of a sunnier future.

But even as they processed to restore the globe about ruling class, Mei and her friends experienced that their journey was far from over. For though the next warning had existed overpowered, skilled were still shadows hidden forthcoming, forthcoming affect when smallest anticipated.

At this moment information judging severe on their hearts, Mei and her helpers design again, their morale bold apiece challenges that lay forward. For they experienced that because they endured together, they take care of overcome some barrier and cause success a new stage of harmony and affluence for the experience.