
As Mei risked outward into life after death, her essence burdensome accompanying the weight of the journey that lay forward, she transported accompanying her the inheritance of entirety she had talented. The education of the Unseen Hand scorched brightly inside her, a mentor to educate the way along.

Accompanying each step she accepted, Mei took advantage of the challenges that suggest her, illustration substance from the bonds she had forged and the communication she had well-informed on the way to destination. Though the boulevard was filled accompanying risk and changeableness, she confronted it accompanying boldness and determination, experienced that she transported inside her the capacity to overcome some barrier.

And as she traveled through the changing countryside of the Murim realm, Mei encountered new partners and opponents alike, each encounter forming her understanding of the realm and her place inside it. Accompanying each passing era, she evolved more forceful and more determined in her purpose, driven to leave her mark upon the world and be of consequence in the lives of those she attacked.

For Mei experienced that the journey she had begin was not almost beating the challenges that lay earlier, but about embodying the time for progress and self-discovery that reached accompanying ruling class. And as she resumed on her way, she transported accompanying her the information that despite everything troubles she confronted, she would always have the substance and boldness to overcome bureaucracy, for she was a agent of the inheritance of the Secret Hand.