
With each passing day, signs of recurrence bloomed across the land. Villages formerly destroyed by conflict were remodeled more powerful than before, their dwellers combined in their determination to build a better future for creation at hand.

As Mei and her helpers well-traveled from individual corner of the Murim globe to the next, they supported firsthand the elasticity of the human soul and the capacity of have in mind overcome even the the blackest of opportunities.

But in middle of the restoring works, whispers of new challenges on the horizon delayed on the way. Mei experienced that the harmony they had resisted so hard to reach was dainty, what they must remain always careful against the forces of mystery that still hidden in the shadows.

With this information in their hearts, Mei and her helpers resumed their journey, their morale raised by the information that despite everything tests lay advanced, they would face ruling class together, their bond tough in spite of situation. For in a world suffused accompanying shadows, the light of the Hidden Fist would forever guide their habit.