[Summit Of Unity] [End] [Goodbye]

He placed his hands on the table, looking at Quinton.

"Give me Azariah. Dead or alive."

Quinton quietly looked at Daiswod.

He could clearly see something in his eyes that didn't seem to suit a ruler.


"I can't do that," Quinton shook his head. "The Aljanah family isn't someone that we can—"

"I don't care!" Daiswod slammed his hand on the table.

"My entire empire's destruction is at stake; I won't take the risk of letting the Exiled Prince live freely—"

"He isn't the Exiled Prince," Irisveil cut in, looking at him. "Don't assume things on your own, Daiswod."

"...Fine, if you don't want to kill him then hand him over." Daiswod took a deep breath, glaring at her, "I am ready to marry him to my first daughter."

"You can't force him to marry anyone," Quinton scoffed, shaking his head. "And he seems happy with his current fiancée."