[End] [He Who Shouldn't Exist] [2]

Death of someone close always hurts... Especially when that someone was always there when I needed.

There are only a few people for whom I can sacrifice my own life.

...Oliver was one of them.

Someone who stuck with me even when the empire despised me.

His death hurt more than anything, more than months of torture.

I focused too much on who ordered to kill him that I neglected to find out who actually killed him.

...I shouldn't have done that.

Edel deserves death, and he will die.


There is another person who deserves death more than him.

The blinding light that engulfed me slowly died down as my surroundings cleared up.

I twisted my body mid-air, landing on my feet, the heavy rainfall dampening my body.

I looked around the place, finding students groaning and coughing because of the adverse effects of sudden teleportation.