1The dreams and Visions of the black goat 1.

As I was standing there in pure agony and fright, the Baba Yaga suddenly grabbed my arm with her sharp, talon-like nails, causing me to wince in pain. I tried to pull away; the baba yaga had a cosmic aura of crimson and ghastly green that was a sight to behold. But her grip was unyielding. She then began to mutter some magical incantation while holding onto my hand, which started to glow an eerie green color. The pain was excruciating as if I had plunged my hand into a pot of boiling water for hours. I fell to the ground, unable to bear it any longer. She looks down at me like a spider catching a fly. Her eyes of terror stab my soul like a million blades. She had a nasty smile and a vile mix of emotions. My face was disturbed and filled with disgust due to the musty she had aurora of skunk-like smells.

"I just want your skin and your teeth

Eat your flesh and bone marrow and prepare it with leaves."

The room has various items where fall of the self

I used to eat your kind during the trials of Salem, boy, how dare you fucking!! Think you can't escape from me, you vile savage. You are cursed as an offspring of cane!!. Here, eyes had a hue of yellow that would make you mad. It was a face of pure darkness and Divine will. Her face was filled with various scars of the past. Some of them looked like the Salem witch trials. She was producing a combination of Bacterial vaginosis and smells that go beyond the comprehension of mortal senses.

After a few moments, the Baba Yaga released my hand, and I could see a strange mark on it. It looked like an enormous serpent biting its tail, with a raven skull at the center. There were witch runes and unknown languages inscribed all around it, making me realize that this was no ordinary mark. The Baba Yaga then spoke, telling me that only witches, demons, cosmic beings, Odin's crow children, and I could see the seal of Odin, the cosmic eye. She explained that it was invisible to the eye of mortals and lesser beings within the omniverse.

I was left trembling and confused, wondering what this all meant and what kind of power I had just been bestowed with.

Then I asked her what the mark was for. The Baba Yaga moved her hair from her face. She was revealing her cold blue eyes. She then said you should find out soon, silver. I then walked away slowly as the Baba Yaga started to laugh. Her laugh sounds like the screams of banshees and a murder of crows. A black flame-like aura formed around her, and multiple black spirits danced around her. I could hear the spirit's screams and laughter as her laughs got louder and more profound. Numerous crows and ravens were flying all around her, and I watched as her blue eyes kept rolling to the back of her eyes, and black blood was falling from her eyes like a flood of water. I walked out and closed the door as fast as I could. When I slammed the door, it made the murder of crows fly away in multiple directions. Black feathers are shedding and falling everywhere. Black blood was around. The wood floor was soaked in blood. I ran From the house and shut the old black wooden bone-like door quickly. The house then formed a massive purple magical barrier with vast, different, ghastly hues that looked like the 7th chakra, if it was a dreadful version. Suppose the purple was a physical embodiment of Putrid, Revolting, and Vile and had undesirable geometric shapes to eyes. The stench of decaying human flesh and rotten fish was everywhere. The baba yaga had meadows of Southern cotton. I wonder in my head, WHAT FUCK IS GOING ON NIGGA!!!? Am I Tripping THE Fuck out? Putting my free hand out, protecting my face.

My chest felt like a million bricks were crushing it. The baba had a face full of dreadful, and she had a wicked smile as black blood poured from every skin pore, eye, mouth, and other parts of her eldritch anatomy.

I just ran over to all of my friends. They all seem to be spooked and scared. Even the tough guy Dante had a face that was the very embodiment of fear. Oscar sarcastically said bro, who's ready for camping? We all just gave him a blank, emotionless face. We were quiet for at least two minutes straight.

As we all stepped out of the house, we approached the car parked in the driveway. I opened the driver's door and hopped in, ready to take the wheel. To brighten everyone's mood, I turned on some music, and it seemed to work like a charm. We all started singing along to the tunes and laughing, having a great time. Suddenly, Emma pulled out a blunt and lit it up, passing it around for everyone to take a few hits. I indulged in a couple of puffs myself, feeling my nerves calming down. From the back of the van, Dante piped up and asked me, "So, what did that old creepy lady want with you, Sliver?" she said like she was mimicking the voice of Marilyn Monroe. Her cheeks blushed as she played with her daisy-curly hair.

As I stood there frozen in time, an overwhelming feeling of dread washed over me. It was as if the entire world had stopped, and I was the only one standing. Suddenly, my mind was filled with a terrifying vision that felt all too real. It was like the flames of Hades were consuming me even though they couldn't see the dread on my face.

In the vision, I saw a large green fire burning brightly before me. Surrounding the fire were several witches, all of them dancing around the flames in a trance-like state. Each of the witches wore a different animal headdress, some even wearing large goat masks. A circle of old runes surrounded the fire, and the sight of it made my blood run cold.

It was night, and the full moon hung in the sky, but it was red as blood. As the witches danced, I heard them chanting in an ancient language that I couldn't understand, but it sounded similar to the spells and incantations of Baba Yaga.

To my horror, I saw that the scene was not empty. Ghoulish undead creatures were gathered around the circle's edge, and living humanoid skeletons and demonic beings were everywhere. Some crops that were cut in half still walked and picked their way to the scene of the ritual. Demonic creatures emerged from the woods, and some swarmed the skies above.

It was a vision that chilled me to the bone, and I couldn't shake the feeling that it was more than a dream. It was like a Hybrid of the chills of the polar winds of Alaska, and It was like the lighting of Zeus was coursing through my body. The fear was an everlasting presence that was vile and dark

As I gazed around the darkened realm, my eyes fell upon a large podium in the center of the space. The rostrum was adorned with a massive upside-down cross and was surrounded by a pentagram that featured a goat-like sigil at its center. It was an ominous sight to behold.

As I continued to scan the room, my eyes suddenly locked on a large humanoid creature standing on the podium. It had the head of a black goat, complete with two long black horns, and its body was that of a human. The creature wore occultist robes decorated with an unknown language written in black.

To my surprise, there were other men and women in the room, all of whom were similarly dressed in robes of various colors: green, silver, black, white, red, and golden. It was clear that they were all part of some cult.

As I watched in horror, the creature suddenly lifted a white hare, holding it aloft for all to see. Just then, the sky outside grew dark, and it began to rain blood. Lightning flashed, and thunder boomed, but the rain did not affect the large fire that burned brightly in the center of the room. It was a scene straight out of a nightmare. Behind the goat creature was a field of men, women, and children, all burning alive on spikes. Some men are on crucifixes. They have crowns of thorns on their heads. They had identical wounds that Jesus had.

The goat creature then raised its black humanoid hand in the night sky. Then, the goat creature said, "I am Judas Baphomet. I am the spawn of the lord in the woods, shun-ziggurat, the mother of a thousand young the black Gaia, and Bafumarias Mahomet, the ancient evil sky father from the burning abyss in farther of the woods. Mother, !!!?I call you to come to this earth with my brothers!!!! And sisters.!!! So we can burn this earth made in the image of Shub-Niggurath

. Now come from the black nebula with the brood of a thousand young!!!!".The world started shaking rapidly and violently, shattering the trees. I watched in terror as the earth began to crack and green burning flames scorched the land. I heard the demons and the undead laughing loud and in sync it made me want to stab my ears until I was deaf.

As I stood there, mesmerized by the green fire, I noticed something strange. The runes etched around the flames began to glow ominously in black. Suddenly, the green fire transformed into a pitch-black void that seemed to swallow all the light around it. The fire burned brighter as the witches circling it danced and chanted faster, their movements becoming more agitated with each passing moment.

"We are the children of the lord in the woods, the lord of this black earth!!! We rule the mountains of black Philip, the temple of our lord Levi Bafumarias Mahomet, the grand outer older and the creator of the black messiah Juda Baphomet."Some of the widths looked like skinwalkers wearing the bones of wolves and other Xeno alien-looking bones.

It was then that an enormous mass of writhing black tentacles emerged from the black flames, and the witches continued their dance around the monstrous entity. The sight was terrifying and mesmerizing, and I couldn't look away at the frightful.

They had silky Robes filled with spiders of various sizes and shapes; they smelled of sulfur in the air.

"We are the chosen brides of the black goat, Judas!!! We are the ones who hunt the spawn of man, spreading the samsara of hate that the demiurge s has projected to this plane of existence. Said the mountain widths as they danced. The green flames were brighter, and there were various burning skeletons whose bones were black.

Suddenly, everything went black, and I felt a moment of disorientation. When I came to, I found myself gripping the driver's wheel of a car with Dante beside me. It took a moment for me to realize that I was no longer in the presence of the witches and the black flames.

As I tried to come to grips with what had just happened, I heard Dante chuckling. I turned to him, confused, and he explained that I had muttered something about an old lady wanting me to give her number. The rest of the people in the car laughed along, and I couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

Despite the laughter and light-hearted moment, my mind was still reeling from the horrific images I had just witnessed. The dream-like state I had been in felt much longer than the mere five seconds in reality.

As we continued our journey, the fuel gauge showed that my tank was almost empty. We were driving on fumes, faith, and the hope of reaching our destination. Finally, we spotted a vintage countryside gas station with a signboard that read 'The Black Shell.' It was a typical rural gas station, but it looked inviting enough for us to pull over.

Inside, we were greeted by an old, dark-skinned black man with a unique appearance. He had a pair of piercing blue eyes, which contrasted with his dark complexion. His hair was white as cotton, and he had male-pattern baldness. All over his arms, we could see various sailor tattoos, which looked intriguing. He wore a trucker hat titled 'Truck The Police' and a yellow and red flannel shirt with black buttons. His glasses had black frames, and the tints were red like a rose. On his chest, he wore a sticker that read, 'My Name is Dale Gold.'

As we entered the store, Dante couldn't help but grab many different snacks and food items. The counter was covered with candies, chips, and chocolates, making it look like a Halloween party. I couldn't help but give him a funny look and wonder how much he planned on buying.

I told Oscar to get supplies and some comics, then left. Oscar's pants were sagging a little bit. Has he pulled them up? He almost tripped.

Oh shit, wtf, my Nigga? I thought I saw the face of the gods!!! Oscar said. His face was red, and he had an awkward smile. He looked complete with embarrassed emotions. He quickly pulled out a mint and threw it in his mouth like two faces flipping a coin, and I'm not going to lie. It looked somewhat badass!

I laughed out loud. By the gods, you are lucky that the Shinigami of the void chose you. They would be putting your soul in one of their Novels. I laugh with Oscar because I see his face filled with friendship and joy. The birds were chirping songs of spring.

There were birds flying and other creatures soaring in the skies.

He wraps his arm around me platonically like an older brother, then says platonically you know that mission we talked about, Bill? His face had grub that looked as if Loki was fused with Eros. He has a face of pure mischievous energy. It was like playing with a bard in a tabletop role-fantasy playing. My favorite one was called Call of Cthylla: The Rise of Mother Krakens vol 5. That was one of my posters hanging in my room. That's how much I loved it. I also had some action figures called the Lords of Lovecraft.

Shut the fuck up, bro. I'm going to get the bag of fashion. Keep operation green on the low, bro. I don't need everyone to find out. I looked at Oscar with a face filled with fake evil intent like I was a Saturday morning cartoon villain. Combine with a stereotypical Italian mobster from the Bronx. I pulled out a joint and lit it with my lighter that had 777 below the world tree symbol.