6.Awakening of the dreamer the Beginning of the Black Sabbath part 1

I continued holding my body shaking, and I could feel chills going up and down my spine. I was sweating bullets. I was checking for wounds and other things. Then I took off my shirt. There it was, the same demonic pentagram that Ba'al Gave me. It glowed green, and then it faded away. I watched as the other symbols that were on my body disappeared.

Then  I brush my teeth and clean myself. I join my friends. All I hear is laughing and typical conversations. Dante walked up to me and handed me a bowl of breakfast. The food was excellent. I couldn't stop myself from eating like a hungry wolf. Oscar was in the back cracking jokes about me. Everyone was laughing, and I couldn't help myself bursting out with them. I then poured myself some organic orange juice.

Dante then grabbed me and pulled me to the side. Then he whispered so, did you shoot your shot with Sarah? I looked at him, smiled, said nothing, and walked away. Dante then makes an evil smile because I guess he picked up that I was very successful in my endeavor. Then  I walked back to all my friends and Oscar told everybody to be quiet. Are you guys ready to go canoeing today he said.

Everyone says yes. We sound like a group of kids going on a field trip, so we pack our gear and canoes. I also pack some fishing rods. We travel down the Forrest path leading to this one massive blue lake. The lake was filled with various freshwater fish. I could see two twin huge black mountains. Dante then said You know those considerable ass black mountains within the distance. There are a couple of rumors and legends about them. Then I said I never even heard of these mountains. Dante said will, those mountains' names are Master Leonard and black Philip. Also known by the local miners as devil's twin peeks. The black mountains have many different nicknames.

Various mysteries are hidden within those mountains. I even heard that true evil itself was spawned on those mountains. You can find multiple precious minerals and diamonds within the hills, but there will be a price to pay, much too great to bear.

Oscar then used his canoe paddle to splash water on my face. Then I counter him in response, splashing water on his face. Then I said So how did they get their names. Dante then said that black Philip earned its name because there are rumors of cults who used the mountain for the resurrection of satan. Master Leonard is named after the goat demon with three horns and a cult of Templars who left god and gave their souls to the demons. They built statues and temples within those mountains. They would sacrifice newborn children for unknown reasons, but I think that they offer those children to the demons they worship to pledge and show their devotion to their sick gods. I also heard that those mountains have witch covenants that protect them mountains from outsiders and would-be trespassers. They would take part in ritualistic blood nocturnal orgies. They would take part in child sacrifice and other horrific acts.

I have even heard tales of a goat-like creature that was a massive humanoid being. It had four goat heads, and those heads had six horns. The goat demon hunts those whom it is worthy enough to kill. I also heard about tribes of the Beast Man. For example, one of the tribes was a weird, large Minotaur creature in a cult. They do a blood sacrifice to an unknown deity, and they like to hunt humans for sport. Sometimes, they boil humans alive in massive Black cauldrons to laugh at all of the screams.

They also feed their young the fear and flesh of humans. There was another tribe of creatures that were hidden in those mountains called the Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjóstr. They are a race of all-black goat humanoid beings. It's rumored that they have a cult named Thor's Goat Children. The Tanngnjóstr and Tanngrisnr were created when Thor used the bones of his goats Tanngrisnr and Tanngnjóstr with Norse magic.

There is a rumor that the Tanngnjóstr and Tanngrisnr purposelessly rip out and devour their eyes so they come closer to Thor and unlock Wisdom just like Odin the Father did. They are also known for having an exceptionally fast healing factor. It can heal everything except for the eyes of these beastmen. For that is the power price. The Tanngnjóstr and Tanngrisnr use their third eyes to see. They have a pineal gland that is combined with a normal eye. They can use Psychic Energy. They have various powers like Telekinesis, Precognition, Mental Manipulation, Attraction & Repulsion, Clairvoyance, Dream Manipulation, Emotion Manipulation, and other abilities like lighting Energy Manipulation. Even the Minotaur feared them because they had higher intellect and numbers on their side. They could breed warriors faster and more effectively.

There's another tribe called the Fallen Sons of  Fenrir. They are werewolf-like creatures with intellects higher than humans. They are not like werewolves because they don't change back, and they don't have the werewolf's weakness. They only share a physical resemblance except for more muscle mass, and they are taller. These creatures can split open their jaws, showing multiple tentacles, smaller jaws, and canine teeth. The fallen sons of the pack have a cosmic treaty with two other tribes named the skulls of Skoll and Hati. These clans both looked like werewolves, but they, too, had hidden tentacles and jaws. The three tribes were united by religion and hybrid mixing, which made the tribes even stronger. The god they worshipped was the Wayaothteme. The cosmic warg is the god of vengeance, wrath, revelations, and apocalypse. They never hunted humans because they viewed them as an inferior race, but they were helpful as bait to pursue the other tribes. They would help children and young teen humans for an unknown reason. The only reason why they save adults is because they kill their prey quickly, and that prey is other beastmen.

The werewolf-like creature often could make their body shift shape, and they were also known to be able to self-duplicate when cut, just like how starfish can do disk-independent bidirectional regeneration where some species limbs can grow into a whole other starfish when removed. These werewolf creatures could do that, but in mere minutes, depending on how badly they have been damaged. This was one of the only ways that their increasing numbers would double. They also could do asexual reproduction; that's another reason why this tribe was the biggest—of all the beasts, man feared them.

The last tribe of beasts I know were Huginn and Muninn, the half-raven human hybrids. They worshiped Odin and had rituals that were similar to When Odin sacrificed his eye in Mimir's as well, and he threw himself on his spear Gungnir in a kind of symbolic, ritual suicide. He then hanged himself in Yggdrasil, the tree of life, for nine days and nine nights to gain knowledge of other worlds and understand the runes.

They perform these acts, and they gain so much power that they can even rival the sons of Fenrir. These creatures have a treaty with the Valravn, a half-wolf and half-raven race, and Morrighan, a half-crow-man race of warriors who craves the battlefield. They created a hybrid race known as the Tengu, a race of wizards and witches' beasts. The valve was also known to find battlefields to eat the dead fallen warriors of both sides, and they also would take back corpses for  Huginn and Muninn necromancers. The valve was also known to fly in massive numbers. They would sometimes pick a side when other beastmen fought so that they could take all the fallen corpses.

There are many different other tribes of beastmen. The twin mountains, black Philip and Master Leonard are cursed because of all the necromancy that the Huginn and Muninn did. They would trap lost souls and beast men's souls in their magic runes so they could increase their magic and other abilities. They were feared by most of the beastmen.

Those mountains are cursed with a lot of sin, they say, because of those sick and evil rituals. The Huginn and Muninn clans did. But what do I know? I'm just a jock meat, head he started laughing. The water was crystal clear. I was staring at my reflection in the water. My locs got longer, and my kill-monger fade was still clean. My skin was ebony brown. When I was going to stop staring at my ugly mug, I then started to daydream. Everything went black. Like  I was in a void.